say | Preferimos decir que fui inseminada artificialmente. | We... we prefer to say that I was artificially inseminated. |
say | Estaría subestimando al decir decir que nuestro caso fue complicado. | It is an understatement to say ours was a complicated one. |
say | Huelga decir que las resoluciones son producto de difíciles acuerdos políticos. | Needless to say that the resolutions are the product of difficult political compromises. |
say | Huelga decir que las cifras son inaceptables. | Needless to say, these figures are unacceptably high. |
say | Me gustaría decir algunas palabras por nuestro querido amigo. | I'd like to say a few words for the dear, dead departed. |
say | Entonces yo... quería decir algo importante. | Well, I... I wanted to say something important. |
say | Es horrible decir eso de cualquiera. | That's a horrible thing to say, Johnson, about anybody. |
say | He penetrado finalmente en los apartamentos particulares Y debo decir... | I've finally been inside the inner chambers... and I have to say... they don't exist. |
say | Lamento decir que eres muy ordinaria, cariño. | I'm sorry to say that you're really a very common type, darling. |
say | Debo decir que esto parece caprichoso y arbitrario. | Well, I have to say, this seems capricious and arbitrary. |
say | Acostumbraba decir, Johnny está bien. | I used to say, Johnny's okay. |
say | No quería decir nada, pero... | You see, I didn't want to say anything about this. |
say | Esas palabras que todos deberíamos poder decir. | Those Anglo-Saxon four letter words that everybody should be able to say. |
say | Quería poder decir que tú cambiaste. | I wish I could say you had changed, Kurt. |
say | No me sorprende escucharte decir eso. | I'm not surprised to hear you say that. |
mean | Su señoría, no quise decir... | Your honor, I didn't mean - And for mouthing off. |
mean | Brooke, has trabajado mucho para decir eso de verdad. | I'm only doing it for the money anyway. Brooke, you've worked too hard to really mean that. |
tell | Es nuestra responsabilidad decir la verdad. | It is our responsibility to tell the truth. |
tell | Incluso podemos decir que somos federales. | We could even tell them we're feds. |
say | ¡Venid a merendar!, dijo la madre. | "Come have a bite to eat," said the mother. |
say | Dice que no le gusta la música moderna. | He says he doesn't like modern music. |
to tell the truth, truth be told | A decir verdad, mi trabajo me avergüenza un poco. | Truth be told, I'm a little ashamed of my job. |
dare to say, dare to tell | Nadie se atreve a decir la verdad en esta casa. | Nobody dares to tell the truth in that house |
suffice it to say, needless to say, let's just say | Hoy no quiero hablar de política; baste decir que los recientes escándalos me tienen harto. | I don't want to talk about politics today: suffice it to say that I'm fed up with all the recent scandals. |
needless to say | De más está decir que en esta casa siempre eres bienvenido. | Needless to say, you are always welcome in this house. |
say goodbye to [sb] | Decir adiós antes de partir toma valor. | Say goodbye to your little friends! It's time for dinner, Michael! |
say goodbye | Dile adiós a ese hombre que ya ha pasado mucho tiempo. | Say goodbye to that man; it has already been too long. |
diss [sth], badmouth [sth], slag [sth] off | El jefe dijo barbaridades del informe. | The boss dissed the report. |
say nasty things about [sb] | María siempre dice barbaridades de su hermana. | Maria is always saying nasty things about her sister. |
say nice things | Nicolás siempre me dice cosas bonitas. | Nicholas always says nice things to me. |
brag | Todos los candidatos dicen maravillas, y es trabajo del entrevistador ver quién miente. | All candidates brag and it's the interviewer's task to determine who's lying. |
rave about | La crítica dijo maravillas de la película, pero a mí no me gustó. | The critic raved about the film but I didn't like it. |
give mass, say mass | El padre Manuel decía misa todos los domingos en la capilla. | Father Manuel used to say (or: give) mass every Sunday in the chapel. |
bad mouth [sb] | Laura dijo pestes del novio de Ana. | Laura bad mouthed Ana's boyfriend. |
be pointless to keep talking | Si no concretamos el día y la hora de la cena, es decir por decir. | If we don't set a time and date for dinner, it's pointless to keep talking. |
say yes | Le pedí permiso a mi papá y dijo que sí. | I asked my dad for permission and he said yes. |
that is | Esta póliza está destinada a conductores jóvenes, es decir, a quienes acaban de obtener su licencia. | This policy is intended for young drivers, that is, those who just got their license. |
goes without saying, be needless to say | Isaac Asimov es un excelente autor; eso ni que decir tiene. | Isaac Asimov is an excellent author; that goes without saying. |
not say squat | ¿Qué le pasa a Pedro? No ha dicho ni mu en toda la tarde. | What's up with Peter? He hasn't said squat all evening. |
not make a peep, not say a peep | Ana no dijo ni pío en toda la tarde. | Ana didn't make a peep the whole afternoon. |
not say a word | A Manuel le bajaron el sueldo y no dijo ni pío. | Manuel's salary was cut and he didn't say a word. |
not say no to [sth] | No digas que no a una oportunidad de trabajo. | Don't say no to a job opportunity. |
so to speak | Pablo me hablaba como si no me conociera; como si estuviera atontado, por decirlo así. | Pablo spoke to me as if he didn't know me; as if he was in a daze, so to speak. |
not to say | Llegar a tiempo es muy difícil, por no decir imposible. | Arriving on time is very difficult, not to say impossible. |
mean | ¿Qué quiere decir «borboleta» en portugués? | If you don't know what a word means, you can look it up in a dictionary. |
mean | No estoy tratando de insultarte; lo que quiero decir es que deberías ayudar un poco más en casa. | I'm not trying to insult you; what I mean is that you should help out a little more at home. |
that's saying something | La comida de anoche estaba buena y eso es mucho decir. | The dinner last night was nice - and that's saying something |
be a figure of speech | —¡Solo era un decir! No me estoy muriendo de hambre, pero sí quiero comer algo. | It was just a figure of speech! I'm not really dying of hunger, but I do want to eat something. |
without saying a word | María se fue de la reunión sin decir nada. | Maria left the meeting without saying a word |
without saying a word | El jefe escuchó la propuesta sin decir palabra. | The boss listened to the proposal without saying a word. |
needless to say | Sobra decir que quien quiera irse puede hacerlo. | Needless to say that anyone who wishes to leave can do so. |