power | Necesitábamos comprender este poder si queríamos utilizarlo. | We needed to understand this power if we were intent on utilizing it. |
power | Los que controlen Grayskull tendrán el poder poder de supremacía... | For to those that control Grayskull will come the power. |
power | Éste es poder ganado, poder demostrado, poder experiencial; contrasta con el poder de la eternidad, el poder insondable, el poder existencial de las Deidades del Paraíso. | This is earned power, demonstrated power, experiential power; it stands in contrast to the eternity power, the unfathomable power, the existential power of the Paradise Deities. |
power | Conocemos la senda del poder: poder por dominación poder por disciplina, poder por compulsión. | We know the way of power - power through domination, power through discipline, power through compulsion. |
power | Quieren su poder, nuestro poder. | They want its power, our power. |
power | Feldman define el poder informativo como el tipo de poder más transitorio. | Feldman summarizes informational power as the most transitory type of power. |
power | Todo poder tiende a corromper y el poder absoluto corrompe absolutamente. | Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. |
power | Pronto ese poder tu poder será mío. | Soon that power Your power will be mine. |
power | Sólo porque desprendo tanto poder desde arriba que él necesita ejercer poder para aceptarlo. | Only because, I'm giving out so much power from the top, he need to generate power to accept it. |
power | Tengo poder, tú tienes poder. | I have power, you have power. |
power | Necesita poder económico, fuerzas armadas, poder militar. | It needs economic power, armed forces, military power. |
power | Sin poder ni perspectiva de poder. | No power, no prospect of power. |
power | La autorización previa del tratamiento clínico es el instrumento clave para poder ejercer este poder. | Prior authorisation for hospital treatment is the instrument that is key to being able to exercise this power. |
power | Ideal para poder crudo con alto poder nutritivo y vitamínico. | Ideal for raw power with high nutritional and vitamin power. |
power | No poder grabar secretamente con poder ilimitado a través de la inflación. | Not being able to secretly tax with unlimited power through inflation. |
power | Con mucho poder comunitario, poder popular. | With a lot of community power, people's power. |
power | Cómo este nuevo poder revolucionario arrebataría de inmediato el poder y propiedad a la clase capitalista imperialista. | How this new revolutionary power would immediately strip the capitalist-imperialist class of its property and power. |
power | Ofrece poder físico para detener el calentamiento global porque tiene un poder moral. | It offers physical power to stop the global warming because it has a moral power. |
power | Este poder espiritual es mucho más poderoso que cualquier poder físico. | This spiritual power is far more powerful than any physical power. |
power | Entre ideología y poder, apuesta al poder. | Between ideology and power, he sides with power. |
being able | La autorización previa del tratamiento clínico es el instrumento clave para poder ejercer este poder. | Prior authorisation for hospital treatment is the instrument that is key to being able to exercise this power. |
being able | No poder grabar secretamente con poder ilimitado a través de la inflación. | Not being able to secretly tax with unlimited power through inflation. |
can | Esta deportista puede nadar ocho kilómetros sin descansar. Hicimos una oración para que el alma del difunto pueda descansar en paz. | This athlete can swim eight kilometers without stopping. We prayed so that the dead person's soul could rest in peace. |
can go on | No puedo más, estoy agotado. | I can't go on; I'm exhausted. |
with all your strength | Se esforzó a más no poder para conseguir el puesto. | She tried with all her strength to open the door but it wouldn't move. |
abuse of power | El Gobierno ha tomado medidas contra el abuso de poder en el Ejército. | The government has taken measures against the abuse of power in the army. |
remove from power | Los militares apartaron del poder al presidente electo. | The military removed the elected president from power. |
come to power, take power | El presidente asumió el poder la semana pasada. | The president took power last week. |
the fourth estate, the fourth power | Se considera a la prensa el cuarto poder. | The press is referred to as the fourth estate. |
if you can't do [sth] | De no poder llamar, mándame un texto al móvil. | If you can't call me, text me. |
if you can't do [sth] | De no poder aprender inglés, va a cancelar el viaje. | If she can't learn English, she'll cancel the trip. |
in [sb]'s possession | Para cuando el bombardeo terminó, el ejército ya tenía la ciudad en su poder. | By the time the bombing was over, the army already had the city in its possession. |
hand over power | A pesar de su avanzada edad, el dictador rehusaba entregar el poder. | Despite his advanced age, the dictator refused to hand over power. |
notarial certificate | Como Paula se encontraba fuera del país, tuvo que firmar una escritura de poder para que su hermano la representara. | Since Paula was out of the country, she had to sign a notarial certificate so that her brother could act on her behalf. |
authority figure | Podrás estar en desacuerdo con él pero tiene un punto válido: la conducta de estos chicos muchas veces se explica por la falta de una figura de autoridad. | You can disagree with him but he makes a valid point: the behaviour of these boys is often explained by the lack of an authority figure. |
power source | Este instrumento no requiere una fuente de poder externa. | This tool doesn't require an external power source. |
absolute power | En el absolutismo, el rey tenía poder absoluto. | In absolutism, the king had absolute power. |
purchasing power | El poder adquisitivo de la población disminuye si hay inflación. | The purchasing power of the population is reduced when there is inflation. |
purchasing power | El poder adquisitivo del dólar cambia a través del tiempo. | The purchasing power of the dollar changes with time. |
power of attorney | Mi padre me concedió un poder de representación para que actuase en su nombre en este negocio. | My father gave me power of attorney so I could act in his name for this business deal. |
executive branch, executive power | El poder ejecutivo está separado del legislativo y el judicial en una democracia. | In a democracy, the executive branch is separate from the legislative and judicial branches. |
judiciary, judicial branch | El poder judicial está formado por los jueces. | The judiciary is made up of judges. |
legislative branch | El poder legislativo dicta las leyes de un país. | The legislative branch issues the laws of a country. |
power of attorney | Mi abogada tiene un poder notarial que le permite actuar en mi nombre. | My lawyer has a power of attorney that allows him to act in my name. |
where there's a will there's a way | ¡Querer es poder, sólo confía en ti mismo! | Where there's a will there's a way. Have faith in yourself! |
takeover | Aquella cruenta batalla terminó en la toma del poder por parte del ejército extranjero. | That bloody battle ended in a takeover by the foreign army. |