decision | Esa decisión había sido confirmada por la Fiscalía General. | That decision had been confirmed by the General Prosecutor's Office. |
decision | Esa decisión se transmite al solicitante. | This decision shall be communicated to the applicant. |
decision | Tienen derecho a recurrir la decisión. | They have the right to appeal the decision. |
decision | Esta decisión fue puesta anteriormente en conocimiento de dicho Comité. | This decision has been brought to the attention of the said Committee prior to its implementation. |
decision | La Junta Ejecutiva reafirmó ese importante principio en su decisión 2013/9. | That important principle was reaffirmed by the Executive Board in its decision 2013/9. |
decision | El Consejo recordó ambas decisiones en su decisión 2012/238. | Both decisions were recalled by the Council in its decision 2012/238. |
decision | El Fiscal General decidió no recurrir esta decisión. | The Attorney General had decided not to pursue with the appeal against the above decision. |
decision | La decisión se consideró lícita y válida. | The decision was deemed to be lawful and valid. |
decision | La decisión es impuesta por autoridad legítimamente delegada para ello. | The decision is enforced by an authority legitimately delegated for this purpose. |
decision | Ninguna decisión del Comité podrá ser objeto de distribución preliminar. | No advance copies of any decision by the Committee shall be issued. |
decision | Se han emprendido varias actividades en respuesta a esta decisión. | A number of activities have been undertaken in response to this decision. |
decision | La negativa se expresará mediante decisión administrativa. | The refusal takes place in the form of an administrative decision. |
decision | Ésta puede apelar contra la decisión. | The author may file an appeal against this decision. |
decision | Los organizadores pueden apelar de esta decisión. | On this decision the organiser have right to appeal. |
decision | Se podrá recurrir la decisión del tribunal. | The decision of the court can be appealed against. |
decision | Las autoridades judiciales deberán emitir una decisión respecto de la petición. | The judicial authorities shall be required to issue a decision concerning the request. |
decision | La Comisión Europea adoptó una decisión el 06.03.09. | The European Commission issued a decision on 6 March 2009. |
decision | La decisión se toma por mayoría. | The decision recognized by law is of the majority. |
choice | Piense objetivamente... y tome una decisión. | You think objectively... and you make your choice. |
choice | No me malinterpretes, buena decisión. | Don't get me wrong, good choice. |
resolution, decision | Después de su neumonía tomó la decisión de dejar de fumar. | After suffering from pneumonia he took the decision to give up smoking. |
verdict, decision | La decisión del jurado es inapelable. | The jury's decision is final. |