pain | Ella sólo quería... el dolor desaparezca. | She just... wanted the pain to go away. |
pain | Lamento el dolor emocional que está sufriendo. | I'm sorry for the emotional pain you're going through. |
pain | Migrañas, dolor detrás del cuello. | Headache, pain in the back of the neck. |
pain | Ojalá pudieras dejar atrás el dolor que causé. | I wish you could leave the pain I've caused behind us. |
pain | Tengo otras maneras de ocasionar dolor. | I have other ways to bring the pain. |
pain | Os aliviará el dolor y liberará vuestras mentes. | Guaranteed to ease your pain and take the chain off your brain. |
pain | No acata órdenes ni responde al dolor. | She doesn't follow commands or respond to pain. |
pain | Había dolor pero lo podía soportar. | 'There was pain, but she could bear it. |
pain | Porque... intentaba evitarte todo este dolor. | Because... trying to save you all this pain. |
pain | Queremos ayudarlo... a controlar el dolor. | We'd like to help you... to control the pain. |
pain | Tengo medicamentos que alivian el dolor. | I have medicines that can dull the pain. |
pain | Prefiero recordarlo y soportar el dolor. | I'd rather just remember him and deal with the pain. |
pain | Concéntrate en el placer de causarle dolor. | Only concentrate on the pleasure of causing him pain. |
pain | Eso significa literalmente sentir el dolor de la crucifixión. | "Excruciating" literally means to feel the pain of crucifixion. |
pain | Odiaría pensar que le causé cualquier dolor. | I would hate to think that I caused you any pain. |
pain | Estoy con mucho dolor, Charlie. | I'm in a great deal of pain, Charlie. |
pain | Su nacimiento está dejando sangre y dolor. | The delivery is taking place in pain and blood. |
pain | Creo que siente su dolor intensamente... | I think he... feels their pain acutely. |
grief | Debería haberte ahorrado todo este terrible dolor. | I'd have saved you all this terrible grief. |
pain | Mi madre nunca superó el dolor que le causó la muerte de mi padre. | My mum never got over the pain caused by the loss of my dad. |