said | Desearía no haber dicho esas cosas. | I wish now I had not said those things. |
said | Corroborará cada palabra que he dicho. | He'll corroborate every word that I've said. |
said | Ningún Papa previamente había dicho algo así. | No Pope before had said it quite like this. |
said | Yo sabía exactamente lo hubieras dicho. | I knew exactly what you would've said. |
said | Si querías romper conmigo, simplemente deberías haberlo dicho. | If you wanted to break upwith me, you should have just said so. |
said | Habían dicho que quebrantaron sus espíritus. | I thought you said you broke their spirits. |
said | Pensé que habías dicho quería matarnos. | I thought you said he wanted to kill us. |
said | Ya has dicho bastante, adelante. | You've already said enough, go ahead. |
said | Supongo que he dicho muchas cosas. | Frank's voice: I guess I've said a lot of things. |
said | Gob nunca había dicho nada así. | Gob had never said anything like that before. |
told | Debiste haberme dicho que Tom se consiguió otra novia insoportable. | You could have told me that Tom's got another annoying girlfriend. |
told | Tendrías que haberme dicho quién eras. | You should have told me who you were. |
told | Te lo hubiera dicho cuando despertaste. | I would have told you when you first awoke. |
told | Ojalá me hubiera dicho eso primero. | I wish you had told me that first. |
told | Podías haberme dicho que venían los French. | You might have told me the Frenches were coming. |
told | Yo debería haberte dicho que hablé con Noah. | I... I should have told you that I talked to Noah. |
told | Debería haberte dicho por teléfono cuando hicimos la cita. | I should have told you on the phone when we set up the appointment. |
told | Valerii podría habérselo dicho, señor. | (Racetrack) Valerii could have told them, sir. |
this | El objetivo es aumentar dicho porcentaje. | The aim is to further increase this quota. |
this | Australia estima que dicho enfoque plantearía dificultades. | Australia believes there would be difficulties in this approach. |
already said, already stated | Todo está dicho, no hay más que agregar. | Everything has already been said; there is nothing left to add. |
saying, proverb | Come un poco y te sentirás mejor, como reza el dicho "barriga llena, corazón contento". | As the saying goes, "Two wrongs don't make a right". |
aforementioned | Para solicitar la visa hay que presentar una carta de solicitud. En dicho documento deben figurar todos los datos del interesado. | To apply for a visa, a letter of application must be submitted. The aforementioned document must contain all the details of the applicant. |
easier said than done | Las promesas de los candidatos no me animan: del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho. | The promises of the candidates don't convince me: easier said than done. |
in other words | Dicho de otro modo, no te quiero volver a ver. | In other words, I don't want to see you again. |
that said, having said this | Dicho esto, empezamos con la reunión. | That said, we started with the meeting. |
having said that | Dicho lo cual procederemos con la conferencia. | Having said that, we proceeded with the conference. |
incidentally | Dicho sea de paso, quienes no hayan pagado por favor háganlo. | Incidentally, those who have not paid, please do so. |
no sooner said than done | Dicho y hecho, María se casó con Pablo. | No sooner said than done, Maria married Pablo. |
stand by what's been said, stand by your word | Estoy en lo dicho: ese joven no me agrada y no pienso cambiar de opinión. | I stand by my word: I don't like that young man and I won't change my opinion. |
if you had said so earlier | Haberlo dicho antes y no compraba otra botella. | If you had said so earlier I wouldn't have bought another bottle. |
have said enough | No hace falta que sigas hablando, ya me lo has dicho todo. | You don't need to keep talking, because you have said enough. |
be nothing left to say | Cambiemos de tema, ya lo hemos dicho todo. | Let's change the subject, because there is nothing left to say. |
period | ¡No vas a ir a la fiesta he dicho! | You are not going to the party, period! |
whatever | Lo dicho, que no quiero salir y es definitivo. | Whatever. I don't want to go out and that's the end of it. |
or rather | Eres muy bueno en tu trabajo; mejor dicho, eres el mejor. | You're very good at your work; or rather, you're the best. |
therefore | Por todo lo dicho creo que lo mejor es separarnos. | Therefore I think that it's best that we separate. |
strictly speaking | ¡Por fin un día de verano propiamente dicho! | I wouldn't say it was a practical course, strictly speaking. |
you've been warned | Queda dicho que mañana no habrá clases. | You've been warned that there won't be any classes tomorrow. |
I must say | Todo sea dicho, la verdad es que nos parece que no estás haciendo un buen trabajo, Mariana. | I must say, the truth is that it seems to us you aren't doing a good job, Mariana. |
it's all over bar the shouting | Ya está dicho: la ganadora del concurso de poesía es Diana. | It's all over bar the shouting: the winner of the poetry contest is Diana. |
it's all over bar the shouting | Aunque las elecciones fueron ayer y ya todo está dicho, este candidato sigue insultando a sus oponentes. | Although the elections were yesterday and it's all over bar the shouting, this candidate continues to insult his opponents. |