difference | Esta diferencia puede explicarse de distintas maneras. | A number of reasons may account for this difference. |
difference | Si hay alguna diferencia, dímelo. | If there's a difference, let me know. |
difference | Con ella podemos marcar la diferencia. | All right, with this thing, we could make a difference. |
difference | Unas horas sin fumar y sientes la diferencia inmediatamente. | A few hours not smoking and you feel the difference immediately. |
difference | El doctor no verá la diferencia. | I just took one myself but the doctor won't know the difference. |
difference | Hay una diferencia entre el pensamiento y saberlo. | There's a difference between thinking it and knowing it. |
difference | Pero debemos tener presente la diferencia entre cantidad y calidad. | But we should be mindful of the difference between quantity and quality. |
difference | Cariño, nadie notará la diferencia. | Mel, nobody's going to know the difference. |
difference | Tener actualizaciones semanales marcará la diferencia. | Having weekly updates is going to make a big difference. |
difference | Un arma así no hubiera sido mucha diferencia. | If it's a gun like that, maybe it wouldn't have made much difference. |
difference | No habrá ninguna diferencia, Beck. | It won't make a difference, Beck. |
difference | Amor, no hubiera hecho ninguna diferencia. | Love, it wouldn't have made any difference. |
difference | Los clientes no notan la diferencia. | It's not like the customers are going to know the difference. |
difference | Nunca serás capaz de notar la diferencia. | You'll never be able to tell the difference. |
difference | Una cosa simple que hará toda la diferencia del mundo. | It's a simple, small item... but it is going to make all the difference in your world. |
difference | No hay diferencia entre ellos en Francia. | There's no difference between the two of them in France. |
difference | En este momento, no haría mucha diferencia. | At this point, it won't make much of a difference. |
difference | Una cena conmigo no marcará la diferencia. | One dinner with me won't make a difference. |
difference | Ésas podrían ser circunstancias atenuantes y marcar una gran diferencia. | Those could be mitigating circumstances and they could make a very big difference. |
gap | La diferencia salarial entre ejecutivos y empleados está aumentando. | The gap in pay between executives and average employees is widening. |
difference | Debes enseñarle a tu hijo la diferencia entre el bien y el mal. | You ought to teach your kid the difference between good and bad. |
difference | No vamos a dejar de ser amigos por tener una diferencia de opiniones de vez en cuando. | We're not going to fall out just because we have the odd difference in opinion. |
unlike, different from | A diferencia del óleo, las acuarelas se diluyen en agua. | Unlike oil paint, watercolors dilute in water. |
of difference | Hay cinco horas de diferencia entre Inglaterra y Argentina. | There are five hours of difference between England and Argentina. |
margin of support | Por una diferencia a favor, ganaron los demócratas. | The Democrats won by a margin of support. |
difference between | ¿Sabes cuál es la diferencia entre vivíparos y ovíparos? | Do you know the difference between viviparity and oviparity in animals? |
time difference | Cuando trabajes con personas de otros países, ten en cuenta la diferencia horaria antes de llamarlas por teléfono. | When you work with people from other countries, keep the time difference in mind before calling them on the phone. |
make the difference | Una buena presentación siempre marca la diferencia. | Good presentation always makes the difference. |
noticeable, obvious | Hay una notable diferencia entre el billete falso y el verdadero. | There is a noticeable (or: obvious) difference between a counterfeit bill and a real one. |