red | Puedo ver venir el coupe convertible rojo. | I could see the red convertible sports coupe coming. |
red | No hubiera sabido diferenciar entre rojo o amarillo. | He wouldn't have known the difference between red or yellow. |
red | Para compensarte traje el vestido rojo. | To make up for it I brought the red dress. |
red | Vi aquellos... zapatos altos rojo vermello. | I saw those... high red shoes... vermell. |
red | Estamos buscando un jaguar rojo podría haber estacionado recientemente. | We're looking for a red Jaguar you might have parked recently. |
red | Hay un techo rojo triangular así... | There is a triangle-shaped red roof like this. |
red | Siempre quiso pintar nuestra puerta de rojo. | He always wanted to paint our front door red. |
red | Este ojo rojo aísla los impulsos cerebrales. | This red eye here will isolate the electronic impulses in your brains. |
red | Hay una coincidencia con ese Expedition rojo. | I just got a hit on that red Expedition. |
red | Conducía su Ford pickup rojo oscuro. | He was driving his dark red Ford pickup. |
red | El auto rojo todavía no apareció. | We still haven't found the red car. |
red | El rojo doblará en cualquier momento. | The red one will turn in a minute. |
red | Acabamos de identificar ese BMW rojo. | Wejust got a positive I.D. on that red BMW. |
red | Estás equivocada, llevaba un vestido rojo. | You got that wrong, she was wearing a red dress. |
red | El vehículo, un BMW rojo... | Subject vehicle, red BMW... now approaching with suspect and hostage. |
red | Escribiremos los totales parciales en rojo. | We'll write down our running totals in red. |
red | El rojo del sofá contrasta con el azul de la pared. | The red of the sofa is in contrast to the blue of the wall. |
red | A Fernanda le encantan las rosas rojas. | Fernanda loves red roses. |
red hot | Los herreros trabajan con metales al rojo vivo y deben ser muy cuidadosos. | Blacksmiths work with red hot metal and should be very careful. |
last-place competitor | El farolillo rojo de la Vuelta a España es un alemán. | The last-place competitor in the Tour of Spain is a German. |
blush | Cuando le aplaudieron, el estudiante se puso rojo. | When they applauded him, the student blushed. |
flaming red | Lucila se pintó los labios de rojo pasión. | Lucia painted her lips flaming red. |
sockeye salmon | El salmón rojo habita los mares de Japón. | Sockeye salmon are known to weigh as much as 7 kg and grow to almost 84 cm in length. |
red wine | El vino tinto de Argentina es muy rico. | Red wine from Argentina is very good. |