weight | 110 con un peso molecular de aproximadamente 19.300 daltons. | Recombinant interferon alfa-2b is a water-soluble protein with a molecular weight of approximately 19,300 daltons. |
weight | Perdió mucho peso y fue golpeado durante la pelea. | As well as having lost so much weight, he also struck his temple during the sixth round. |
weight | El testimonio del Gran Exorcista llevará mucho peso. | The Great Exorcist's testimony will carry a lot of weight. |
weight | No noto donde has perdido peso. | I don't notice where you've lost much weight. |
weight | Revisaremos tu peso para la presión. | We're going to check your weight and set the steam pressure. |
weight | El peso superaría los 500 kilogramos. | The dogs' total weight exceeds 500 kilograms. |
weight | Corríamos tan rápido como podíamos con todo ese peso. | We're just running as fast as we can with all that weight. |
weight | Es tiempo de deshacerse del peso inútil. | It is time to get rid of unnecessary weight. |
weight | No creí que aumentara de peso. | I know, I didn't think I'd put on any weight. |
weight | Intento recuperar mi peso del ejército. | Just trying to get back to my military weight. |
weight | No pongas el peso sobre esa pierna. | I'll be all right! - Don't put your weight on it. |
weight | También socava el peso representativo del Consejo. | It also undermines the representative weight of the Council. |
weight | Cuánto peso gané cuando la separación terminó. | How much weight I put on when my break ended the same way. |
weight | Todos creen que eres peso muerto. | Everyone out there thinks that you are dead weight. |
weight | Nadie nunca intentó adivinar mi peso. | No one has tried to guess my weight. |
weight | Perdías peso y la gente quería echarte fotos. | You were losing weight, and people wanted to take your picture. |
weight | Intento lanzar su peso y comenzó a fanfarronear. | He tried to throw his weight around and started bragging. |
weight | Porque tengo el peso de dos personas normales. | Because I'm carrying the weight of two human beings, sir. |
weight | Para equilibrar el peso del otro. | Well, to balance out the weight from the other one. |
weight | Porque no quiero que pierdas más peso. | 'Cause I don't want you losing any more weight. |
weight | Peso es igual a masa por gravedad. | Weight equals mass times gravity. |
weight | Estas sillas resisten un límite de peso de 100 kg. | These chairs support a weight limit of 100 kg. |
peso | La moneda de México es el peso. | The currency of Mexico is the peso. |
weight | La opinión de mi madre tiene un gran peso en mis acciones. | My mother's opinion has a great weight on my actions. |
weight, burden | Me quité un peso de encima cuando terminé con mi novio. | It was a great weight off my shoulders when I heard about the pay raise. |
weight, burden | Ya no resisto el peso de los años, he perdido la voluntad de vivir. | I haven't withstood the weight of the years, I've lost the will to live. |
apply the full weight of the law | Cuando por fin lo agarraron, le aplicaron todo el peso de la ley. | When at last they got him, they applied the full weight of the law. |
weight gain | El doctor dijo que la causa del aumento de peso de Javier puede ser el sedentarismo. | The doctor said that the cause of Javier's weight gain could be his sedentary lifestyle. |
not stand up to scrutiny | Los argumentos caen por su propio peso y es evidente que el acusado es culpable. | The arguments don't stand up to scrutiny and it's obvious that the accused is guilty. |
gross weight | Estas computadoras nuevas tienen un peso bruto de 2,3 kilogramos. | These new computers have a gross weight of 2.3 kilograms. |
net weight | El atún contenido en esta lata tiene un peso neto de 120 gramos. | The net weight of this tin of tuna is 120 grams. |
lift a weight off, take a load off | María le quitó un peso de encima a su esposo yendo a buscar a los niños al colegio. | Maria lifted a weight off of her husband by going to look for the children at school. |
take a load off one's mind | Marcos se quitó un peso de encima al no ser electo presidente de su clase. | Not being elected president of his class took a load off Marcos' mind. |
be worth its/[sb]'s weight in gold | Sánchez es un jugador que vale su peso en oro y le aportará mucho al equipo. | Sanchez is a player who is worth his weight in gold and will contribute a lot to the team. |