difficult | Resulta difícil asimilar este doloroso acontecimiento. | It is difficult to come to terms with this painful event. |
difficult | Conseguirlo fue extremadamente difícil y laborioso. | And getting a hold of that was extremely difficult and laborious. |
difficult | Parece difícil promulgar leyes sobre este punto. | It would seem difficult to legislate on this point. |
difficult | Era difícil entender por qué esto habría que considerarlo inaceptable. | It was difficult to understand why that should be regarded as objectionable. |
difficult | Algunos han indicado que les será difícil hacerlo. | Some have indicated that this will be difficult for them to do. |
difficult | El año 2009 fue particularmente difícil para Somalia. | The year 2009 was a particularly difficult one for Somalia. |
difficult | Siempre resulta arduo y difícil adoptar institucionales. | It is always painful and difficult when one makes institutional decisions. |
difficult | La Comisión afronta numerosos empeños y resulta difícil plantearle nuevos temas. | The Commission faced a number of challenges, and it was difficult to introduce new subjects. |
difficult | La intransigencia de ambas partes hizo difícil avanzar en la negociación. | Progress in the negotiation was difficult owing to the intransigence of both sides. |
difficult | Era evidente que esta tarea sería difícil y controvertida. | That this would be a difficult and controversial task was obvious. |
difficult | En tales circunstancias, resulta difícil proporcionarles asistencia letrada. | Under such circumstances, it was difficult to provide them with legal assistance. |
difficult | Lo que denota una difícil situación económica del país. | This shows what a difficult economic situation the country is facing. |
difficult | Extendemos nuestra solidaridad hacia nuestros amigos jordanos en esta difícil hora. | At this difficult time, we affirm our solidarity towards our Jordanian friends. |
difficult | Reconocemos que ese mecanismo se encuentra en una situación difícil. | We recognize that the disarmament machinery finds itself in a difficult situation. |
difficult | Resulta difícil estimar el número de personas asesinadas. | It is difficult to estimate the number of victims killed. |
difficult | No me será difícil encontrar voluntarios. | It shouldn't be that difficult finding volunteers. |
hard | Resultaba difícil encontrar rastros de tal injerencia. | It was hard to find traces of such interference. |
hard | Estaba pensando qué difícil debe ser para usted. | Well, I was thinking how hard it must be for you. |
tough | La parte difícil es juntarlas todas. | The tough part is putting it all together. |
tough | Cualquiera podría ver que era una situación difícil. | Anyone could see it was kind of a tough situation. |
difficult | Suspendí el examen porque era difícil. | I failed the test because it was very difficult. |
difficult | Es un hombre difícil, no es fácil convivir con él. | He's a difficult person and not easy to live with. |
hard to reach, inapproachable | Es una ruta de difícil acceso, no te recomiendo ir de noche. | The route is hard to reach; I don't recommend you go at night. |
elitist | La universidad es de difícil acceso en ese país. | University is elitist in this country. |
hard to believe | Me parece difícil de creer que tu hermana haya hecho esa llamada. | It seems hard to believe that your sister made that call. |
hard to understand, difficult to understand | El texto del filósofo es difícil de entender. | The philosopher's text is hard to understand. |