discuss | Estaba pensando que quizás deberíamos discutir una escapada. | I was thinking that maybe we should discuss a getaway. |
discuss | E, no necesito discutir esto. | E, I don't need to discuss it. |
discuss | Ahora, tenemos mucho que discutir acerca del matrimonio. | Now, about the wedding, we've got a lot to discuss. |
discuss | Se reunirán al mediodía para discutir su reemplazo. | They're meetin' at noon to discuss your replacement. |
discuss | Tengo algo que necesito discutir con ella. | I have something I need to discuss with her. |
discuss | Hay mucho que discutir, Jessica. | There's a lot to discuss, Jessica. |
discuss | Nos veremos esta tarde para discutir la situación. | He will meet us this afternoon to discuss the situation. |
discuss | Todavía hay otro asunto que discutir. | There's still one more matter to discuss. |
discuss | Ni siquiera tengo que discutir eso. | I don't even have to discuss this. |
discuss | No quiero discutir mis problemas domésticos contigo. | I do not wish to discuss my domestic difficulties with you, Leo. |
discuss | Quisiera discutir su voto con usted. | I'd like to discuss your vote with you. |
discuss | Debemos discutir ponerte en el estrado. | We have to discuss putting you on the stand. |
discuss | Ahora necesitamos discutir nuestro próximo proyecto. | Now we need to discuss our next project. |
discuss | Tenemos un asunto familiar que discutir. | We've got important family business to discuss. |
discuss | Me quedaré aquí a discutir esto adecuadamente. | Nowhere. I'm staying right here, so we can properly discuss this. |
discuss | No tenemos tiempo para discutir esto. | We don't have time to discuss this. |
argue | Escucha, no quiero discutir contigo. | Listen, I don't want to argue with you. |
argue | Me gustaría discutir la injusta moción prejudicial, Andre. | I'd like to argue the unfair prejudice motion, Andre. |
debate | No estoy de humor para discutir. | I'm not in the mood for a debate. |
argue | Mis padres se divorciaron porque discutían todo el tiempo. | My parents divorced because they argued all the time. |
talk about | En la clase de hoy discutimos la recesión que atraviesa el país. | In today's class we talked about the recession currently affecting the country. |
dispute, question, challenge | No te estoy pidiendo tu opinión, ¡obedece y no discutas mis órdenes! | I'm not asking for your opinion! Obey me and don't question my orders! |