distance | Necesitamos poner cierta distancia entre nosotros y esa fragata. | We need to put some distance between us and that frigate. |
distance | Tú y yo observaremos a distancia. | You and I will watch from a distance. |
distance | Hay una distancia insalvable entre dibujar y deletrear. | There is a great distance between drawing and spelling an object. |
distance | Porque estoy... merodeando a distancia. | Because I am there... lurking from a distance. |
distance | Debemos estar a una distancia segura. | We've got to be a safe distance by now. |
distance | Tienes razón en mantener distancia de mi. | You're right to keep your distance from me. |
distance | Hay mucha distancia entre vecinos aquí. | There's a lot of distance between neighbors here. |
distance | Me gusta como mantienes la distancia. | I like how you're keeping your distance. |
distance | Calculando la velocidad y la distancia. | Calculating your speed, time, and distance. |
distance | Regla número dos, mantener distancia. | OK, rule number two - keep your distance. |
distance | No quiero arruinar tu saludable distancia que nosotros empezamos. | I don't want to ruin this healthy distance thing we just started. |
distance | No intento controlar desde la distancia. | I am not trying to control from a distance. |
distance | Está en usted recorrer esa distancia completa. | You've got it in you to go the whole distance. |
distance | A esta distancia, no servirán. | At this distance, your shields won't mean much. |
distance | Mucha distancia para enviar a una flota. | That's a long distance to steam a navy, Captain. |
distance | Tomaste buena distancia con los flacuchos. | You get good distance with the skinny ones. |
distance | No pueden anunciar la distancia confusión. | Confusion in the stadium, because they can't announce the distance immediately. |
away | Está a una hora de distancia de aquí. | Well, I don't know. That's about an hour away from here. |
away | Thornhill está a un km de distancia. | According to the car's GPS, Mr. Thornhill is 0.6 miles away. |
range | Busca tu distancia, tu distancia. | Get your range, get your range. |
distance | La distancia entre las dos casas era demasiado grande como para que valiera la pena coger el coche. | The distance between New York and Los Angeles is 2,500 miles. |
from a distance | Le disparamos a un ciervo que habíamos detectado a distancia, pero fallamos el tiro. | We shot at a deer that we had seen from a distance, but we missed the shot. |
distance | El empresario decidió que sus trabajadores se formaran mediante cursos a distancia. | The businessman decided that his employees would be trained by means of a distance course. |
long-distance relationship | El amor de lejos no suele tener futuro. | Long-distance relationships don't usually last long. |
distance learning | El aprendizaje a distancia puede llegar a ser más difícil que el convencional. | Distance learning can become harder than conventional learning. |
on-line banking | La banca a distancia permite hacer operaciones bancarias desde la casa o el trabajo. | On-line banking allows you to bank from home or work. |
clearance | La ley marca dejar al menos cinco metros de distancia de seguridad. | The law stipulates leaving at least five meters of clearance. |
distance learning | La educación a distancia ofrece oportunidades a los que no pueden asistir a clases regularmente. | Distance learning offers opportunities to those who can't attend class regularly. |
out of sight out of mind | Cuando me fui a vivir a Japón, mi novia se fue conmigo porque creíamos que la distancia hace el olvido. | When I went to live in Japan my girlfriend came with me because we thought it would be a case of out of sight out of mind. |
remote control | La posesión del mando a distancia del televisor es una pelea constante en casa. | Possession of the remote control is a constant fight in this home. |
keep a distance, keep your distance | Julieta mantiene distancia de sus ex novios. | Juliet keeps her distance from ex boyfriends. |
keep your distance | Mariana siempre marca distancia con sus compañeros de trabajo. | Maria always keeps her distance from her workmates. |
healthy distance, safety distance | El gobierno mexicano creó un personaje, la superheroína Susana Distancia, para recordar al pueblo a mantener al menos un metro de distancia entre personas. | The Mexican government came up with a character - Susana Distancia the superhero - to remind people to keep at least one meter's safety (or: healthy) distance from each other. |
distance yourself | Al parecer, estos dos actores tomaron distancia después de terminar la filmación a raíz de alguna discusión. | Apparently, these two actors distanced themselves after finishing the filming because of some argument. |
working from home | Desde que tengo un trabajo a distancia dejé de ser esclavo de una oficina y de un horario. | I stopped being an office and timetable slave ever since I started working from home. |