
Dos De En Y El La Los I

Index 64
Question dos
Question sentences
Quiero hacer finalmente dos comentarios brevísimos.
Ustedes dos estuvieron susurrando como adolescentes.
Answer two; both
Answer sentences and translations
twoQuiero hacer finalmente dos comentarios brevísimos.Finally, I would like to make two very short comments.
twoUstedes dos estuvieron susurrando como adolescentes.The two of you have been whispering like teenagers for weeks.
twoBrindaré dos ejemplos que considero maravillosos.I'll give you two examples that I think are marvelous.
twoTomo dos y así podremos sentarnos los dos.Well, why don't I get two chairs, and then we can both sit.
twoCada imagen ocupa dos tambores, representando dos símbolos idénticos separados.Each image occupies two reels positions, representing two separate and identical symbols.
twoDos comediantes, dos bomberos, dos profesores, dos vendedores.Two comedians, two firefighters, two school teachers, two salesmen.
twoTuve que comprar dos laúdes balineses... dos juegos de manualidades, dos pantalones tiroleses.(Doorbell rings) I had to buy two Balinese lutes, two découpage kits, two pairs of lederhosen.
twoTenían dos tigres, dos osos, dos leones.They had two tigers, two bears, two lions.
twoSalen dos halibut, dos rayas, dos carnes...Coming up - two halibut, two skate, two turf...
twoEsas dos personas que dos personas que obtener dos people.That's cómo es.Those two people get two people who get two people.That's how it is.
twoMencionó como realidades la existencia de dos pueblos distantes, de dos administraciones separadas y de dos democracias.He mentioned as realities the existence of two distant people, two separate administrations and two democracies.
twoLos dos modelos están disponibles en dos versiones diferentes: dos velocidades y velocidad variable.Both models are available in two different versions: two speeds and variable speed.
twoEste set de cristal tiene dos bobinas, dos condensadores variables, formando dos circuitos sintonizados.This crystal set has two coils, two variable capacitors, making up two tuned circuits.
twoEn ella se puede encontrar distintos establecimientos, como dos tiendas, dos bares dos entidades bancarias...There you can find various establishments, as two shops, two bars two banking entities...
twoLas dividen dos patrias, dos idiomas, dos culturas.They are divided by two countries, two languages, and two cultures.
twoDe acuerdo, así que tenemos dos sospechosos en dos asesinatos idénticos, en dos ciudades diferentes los dos con órganos trasplantados desde hace un año.We've got two suspects in two identical murders in two different cities, both had organ transplants a year ago.
twoUstedes dos, ustedes dos ustedes dos y ustedes dos.I want you two you two, you two you two you two.
twoAsimismo, el Estado cuenta con dos entidades multisectoriales encargadas de abordar dos temáticas específicas relacionadas con el tema migratorio.The State also has two multisectoral bodies responsible for addressing two specific topics related to migration.
twoLos ingenieros militares desactivaron dos artefactos explosivos y detonaron otros dos.Military engineers defused two explosive devices and detonated two others.
twoMurieron dos funcionarios de prisiones y otros dos resultaron heridos en el incidente.Two prison officers were killed and two others wounded in the incident.
bothTomo dos y así podremos sentarnos los dos.Well, why don't I get two chairs, and then we can both sit.
bothDe acuerdo, así que tenemos dos sospechosos en dos asesinatos idénticos, en dos ciudades diferentes los dos con órganos trasplantados desde hace un año.We've got two suspects in two identical murders in two different cities, both had organ transplants a year ago.
twoEl dos es mi número de la suerte.Two is my lucky number.
not have two pennies to rub togetherNo puedes empezar a dirigir una empresa a dos velas, tienes que sacar dinero de donde sea.You can't start a business when you don't have two pennies to rub together; you need to get some money from somewhere.
brokeHan dejado a dos velas las arcas del estado después de invertir en infraestructuras.The state is now broke after investing in infrastructure.
ready set, go¡Voy a lanzar la pelota! A la una, a las dos y a las tres.I'm going to throw the ball. Ready, set, go!
life is unfairOdia el frío y se tuvo que ir a vivir a Alaska. Al que no le gusta el caldo, dos tazas.She hates the cold and had to go live in Alaska; life is unfair.
double decker busEn Londres tomamos un autobús de dos pisos.Double decker buses have a higher capacity than smaller buses.
every five minutesEse alumno viene cada dos por tres a preguntarme lo mismo.That student keeps coming and asking me the same thing.
gobble food down, cram food downDeja de comer a dos carrillos ese arroz que me está dando asco.Stop gobbling food down, it is making me sick.
tipsyEl profesor se presentó en clase con dos copas de más y esa fue la causa de su despido.The teacher turned up to class tipsy and that was the cause of his dismissal.
by twos, in twosEs más rápido si cuentas de dos en dos.It is much faster if you count by twos.
in pairsLa profesora nos dijo que nos agrupáramos de dos en dos.The professor told us to group up in pairs.
two heads are better than oneTrabajar juntos facilita la tarea; dos cabezas piensan mejor que una.Working together makes the job easier; two heads are better than one.
two for oneTraje estas dos libras de café porque el vendedor me ofreció un dos por uno.I bought two pounds of coffee because the vendor offered me two for one.
colonUsa dos puntos antes de listar elementos.Use a colon before a list.
in a nutshellDime en dos palabras qué te pareció el concierto.Tell me in a nutshell what you thought about the concert.
just like thatLo hizo en dos patadas, sin esforzarse lo más mínimo.He did it just like that, without the least amount of effort.
in no time, in a split secondEs muy eficiente, hace todo el trabajo en un dos por tres.It is very efficient. It does all the work in no time.
play the fieldMartín juega a dos bandas con su novia.Martin plays the field with his girlfriend.
be two-facedLaura juega a dos bandas y nunca sabes cómo va a reaccionar.Laura is two-faced and you never know how she'll react.
be slow on the uptakeMatías no tiene dos dedos de frente, pobre, nunca entiende los chistes.The poor guy is really slow on the uptake; he never gets any jokes.
what a pair!, what a couple!¡Qué par de dos, son los dos unos tontos!What a pair; they're both idiots!
be a two-way matterEn la vida en pareja, todas las decisiones son cosa de dos.In a relationship, all decisions are two-way matters.
gable roof, pitched roofEl techo a dos aguas le da una apariencia clásica a la cabaña.The gable roof gives a classic look to the cabin.
be on the ballTengo dos dedos de frente y sé que estás mintiendo.I'm on the ball and know that you're lying.
do the work of two peopleMaría trabaja por dos porque su esposo no tiene trabajo.Maria does the work of two people because her husband was unemployed.
be snowed under, grind your fingers to the boneLucía trabaja por dos mientras sus compañeros de oficina no hacen nada.Lucia is snowed under while her colleagues in the office do nothing.
one of two optionsUna de dos, o vienes ya o avisa al jefe que no vienes.One of two options, come now or tell the boss that you're not coming.

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