for | Podrían honrarte como héroe durante generaciones. | You could be hailed as a hero for generations to come. |
for | Desaparezco durante días explorando los alrededores. | I disappear for days at a time, exploring the countryside. |
for | Si se sigue plantando durante durante más tiempo, suelen desarrollarse muchas enfermedades. | If a group of vegetables is planted for longer, many diseases often appear. |
for | Los síntomas pueden persistir durante meses o en raras ocasiones durante años. | Symptoms may persist for a matter of months or on rare occasions for years. |
for | Llevamos trabajando juntos durante cinco años Acostándonos durante dos. | We've been working together for five years, sleeping together for two. |
for | Es operativa durante cinco días en una semana y accesible durante veinticuatro horas. | It is operational for five days within a week and accessible for twenty four hours. |
for | Seguir este régimen durante tres semanas e interrumpir durante una semana. | Follow this diet for three weeks then stop for one week. |
for | Probablemente necesitará tratamiento durante varias semanas o meses, con determinaciones regulares de la hemoglobina durante este período. | She will probably need treatment for several weeks or months, with regular Hb measurements in between. |
for | Muchos prefieren quedarse con nosotros durante años y algunos incluso durante décadas. | Most people choose to stay with us for years and some even for decades. |
for | Siéntate y pasa este procedimiento durante varios días seguidos durante 20 minutos. | Sit in it and spend this procedure for several days in a row for 20 minutes. |
for | Oblato profeso durante 65 años y sacerdote durante 60, también ha sido ávido espeleólogo durante muchos años. | A professed Oblate for 65 years and a priest for 60 years, he has also been an avid spelunker for many years. |
for | No obstante, el puesto estuvo total o parcialmente cerrado durante 222 días durante este período. | However, the checkpoint was totally or partially closed for 222 days during this period. |
in | Probablemente necesitará tratamiento durante varias semanas o meses, con determinaciones regulares de la hemoglobina durante este período. | She will probably need treatment for several weeks or months, with regular Hb measurements in between. |
during | No podía contactarte durante la suspensión. | I mean, I couldn't contact you during the suspension. |
during | Los proyectos auxiliares también se concluirían durante este período. | The ancillary project works would also be completed during this period. |
during | También aplicará las experiencias recogidas durante el ciclo anterior. | Moreover, it will apply the lessons it has learned during the previous cycle. |
during | Todos los años durante el mes de Ramadán se organiza el iftar. | In particular, every year during the month of Ramadan, iftar dinners (evening meals breaking the day's fast) are organized. |
during | Este asunto se examinará durante el proceso de revisión constitucional. | This will be a matter under consideration during the Constitutional Review process. |
during | Debería incluirse en su planificación del debate estructurado durante 2006. | It should be included in your planning for the structured debate during 2006. |
during | No obstante, el puesto estuvo total o parcialmente cerrado durante 222 días durante este período. | However, the checkpoint was totally or partially closed for 222 days during this period. |
during | Deberán tomarse medidas de contracepción durante el tratamiento y al menos durante tres meses después de su finalización. | Contraceptive measures must be taken during and for at least three months after cessation of therapy. |
during | Está prohibido hablar durante el examen. | Talking is forbidden during the exam. |
for | El teléfono sonó sin parar durante dos horas. | The phone didn't stop ringing for two hours. |