possibility | Convendría estudiar la posibilidad de emitir más DEG. | Consideration should be given to the possibility of issuing additional SDRs. |
possibility | Sigue estudiándose la posibilidad de promulgar esta ley. | The possibility of promulgating such a law continues to be studied. |
possibility | Una posibilidad sería suscitar la creación de órganos nacionales de investigación. | One possibility would be to call for the establishment of national bodies of inquiry. |
possibility | La Comisión desea examinar esa posibilidad. | The Commission may wish to consider that possibility. |
possibility | El Tribunal está estudiando esta posibilidad. | The Tribunal is currently looking into this possibility. |
possibility | Tampoco puede excluirse completamente la posibilidad de un shock anafiláctico. | 152 Furthermore, the possibility of an anaphylactic shock cannot be completely excluded. |
possibility | También hay otra posibilidad, inspector. | But there is also another possibility, Inspector. |
possibility | El programa de reconocimiento vai eliminar esta posibilidad. | The recognition program It is going to eliminate this possibility. |
possibility | Estaba pensando en otra posibilidad... transgénicos. | I was actually thinking about another possibility... transgenomics. |
possibility | La posibilidad del siglo para David Fletcher. | The possibility of a century here for David Fletcher. |
possibility | Es una posibilidad, pero también podría matarlo. | That's a possibility, and then again, it could kill you. |
possibility | Convendría examinar de cerca esta posibilidad. | The possibility of this should be vigorously pursued. |
possibility | Entonces la derrota es una posibilidad. | [Bison] Then defeat is a possibility. |
chance | Jaime. No existe esa posibilidad. | Jimmy, there is no chance of that. |
chance | Ninguna posibilidad de poder vivir allí. | No chance I'll even be able to live there. |
chance | Existe una posibilidad remota de curación. | Of course, there is one outside chance for a cure. |
chance | Soy tu única posibilidad de encontrarla. | I'm the one chance you got to find her. |
chance | Pobre, nunca tuvo ninguna posibilidad. | Poor guy, he never had a chance. |
opportunity | Al contrario, doy posibilidad de justificarse. | On the contrary, I'm giving you an opportunity to justify yourself. |
opportunity | Tengo una posibilidad, un idioma... | ~ This is a great opportunity, a new language... |
opportunity, chance | Si tienes la posibilidad de viajar, entonces hazlo. | If you get the chance to travel, just do it. |
possibility, chance | Hay la posibilidad de que el proyecto salga mal. | There is a chance of the project going pear shaped. |
in light of the possibility, faced with the possibility | Ante la posibilidad de que lloviera, Inés decidió coger un paraguas. | In light of the possibility that it would rain, she decided to grab an umbrella. |
be possible that | Cabe la posibilidad de un mal diagnóstico pero aún hay que esperar. | It is possible that the diagnosis will be bad, but we still have to wait. |
see the possibility of | Martín ve la posibilidad de un negocio en este lugar. | Martin sees the possibility of a business in this place. |