education | La educación pública es laica y gratuita. | Public education shall be secular and free of charge. |
education | Este plan persigue fomentar la educación. | This plan is concerned with the advancement of education. |
education | Esta educación se realiza por diversos métodos y formas. | The education on law observance is carried out in various forms and methods. |
education | La educación elemental es obligatoria y gratuita. | Elementary education shall be obligatory and free of charge. |
education | También creció la cantidad de organizaciones privadas que imparten educación preescolar. | There is an increase in the number of private organisations providing pre-school education. |
education | Agregó que existía una carencia de educación multicultural e intercultural. | It added that there was a lack of multicultural and intercultural education. |
education | Esta iniciativa suministra educación y apoyo psicológico y emocional. | This initiative provides education as well as psychological and emotional support. |
education | La Constitución prevé la educación intercultural bilingüe. | Bilingual intercultural education was provided for under the Constitution. |
education | Se precisarán los objetivos en educación. | The attainment targets for education will be clarified. |
education | Asimismo, seguirá aumentando el subsidio de educación permanente. | It will also continue to increase the subsidy of recurrent education. |
education | La organización se centra en proporcionar educación, alimentos y medicamentos. | The focus of the organization is on providing education, food and medication. |
education | Esa educación incluye clases de inglés. | The education provided includes the teaching of English. |
education | Se alienta un sistema bilateral de educación. | A bilateral provision of education to children is encouraged. |
education | Niñas y niños reciben educación elemental obligatoria durante nueve años. | Compulsory, elementary-level education for a total of nine years is provided for both girls and boys. |
education | El cuarto elemento es la educación. | The fourth "E" relates to education. |
education | Ha garantizado la educación para todos haciéndola obligatoria y gratuita. | It has ensured education for all by making it compulsory and free. |
education | Necesitas pensar también sobre tu educación. | You need to think about your education, too. |
upbringing, raising | La educación de los hijos es la principal responsabilidad de los padres. | The main responsibility of parents is the upbringing of their children. |
education | Para los padres es muy importante la educación de sus hijos y cuidan mucho la elección de una escuela. | Parents carefully choose their child's school because their education is important to them. |
distance learning | La educación a distancia ofrece oportunidades a los que no pueden asistir a clases regularmente. | Distance learning offers opportunities to those who can't attend class regularly. |
primary school | La educación básica obligatoria comprende preescolar, primaria y secundaria. | Obligatory primary school consists of pre-school, primary, and secondary education. |
basic education | No todas las personas tienen la educación básica que deberían tener. | Not everyone has the basic education they should have. |
special education | María trabaja en una escuela de educación especial. | Maria works in a special education school. |
physical education | La educación física está en el currículo escolar. | Physical education is a part of the school curriculum. |
formal education | A pesar de no haber recibido una educación formal, llegó a ser un gran científico. | Even though he never received a formal education, he went on to be a great scientist. |
early education | La educación inicial es fundamental para el desarrollo del niño. | Early education is fundamental to a child's development. |
comprehensive education | Los niños deben recibir una educación integral que los ayude a elegir una vocación. | Children must get a comprehensive education that helps them choose a vocation. |
elementary education, primary education | Tuve una educación primaria de alta calidad. | I had a high quality elementary education. |
secondary school | La educación secundaria es cada vez peor en España. | Secondary school is worsening in Spain. |
higher education | María tiene educación superior. | Maria attended higher education. |
road-safety education | La educación vial hace parte del currículum de jardín de infantes. | Road-safety education is part of the kindergarten curriculum. |
Compulsory Secondary Education | El Ayuntamiento está preparando una campaña con estudiantes de ESO. | Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain consists of four academic terms that are normally taken between 12 and 16 years old. |