fear | Primero me gusta medir el miedo. | Now first I like to gauge their fear. |
fear | Tu miedo será probará nuestra gran desventaja. | Your fear will prove to be our greatest disadvantage. |
fear | He estado algo preocupado por miedo a involucrarte. | I've sort of been worrying... for fear you'd be in the way. |
fear | Nunca olvidaré el miedo que m'has plantado. | I will never forget the fear that you planted in me. |
fear | Es mi peor miedo volviéndose realidad. | It's my worst fear coming true again. |
fear | Sólo quería que superaras tu miedo. | I just wanted you to get through your fear. |
fear | Ahora podemos estar aquí sin vivir con miedo. | Now we can spend the rest of our time in here without living in fear. |
fear | Para vencer al miedo debes volverte miedo. | To conquer fear, you must become fear. |
fear | El terrorismo es esencialmente miedo, genera miedo. | Terrorism is essentially about fear, it generates fear. |
fear | El miedo, miedo a ser atrapado, miedo a ser castigado. | Fear, the fear of being caught, the fear of being punished. |
fear | Vivía con mucho miedo en aquel momento - miedo al cáncer y l miedo a la quimioterapia. | I was living in a lot of fear at that time - fear of the cancer, and fear of chemo. |
fear | Este obstáculo radica en el miedo: miedo a que el problema salga a la luz, miedo a las consecuencias y miedo a perder el control. | The obstacle is fear: fear of exposure, fear of consequences, and fear of loss of control. |
fright | Debieron pasar miedo aquí solos la otra noche. | You must've had a terrible fright out here on your own the other night. |
afraid | Tengo miedo, no puedo volver. | I'm afraid, I can't go back. |
afraid | Tienes miedo de mostrar tu lado sensible. | You're just afraid to show your sensitive side. |
afraid | No tengas miedo de pedir refuerzos. | Don't be afraid to call for backup. |
afraid | Bueno tenía miedo que algo estaba mal. | Anyway, he was afraid there was something wrong with him. |
afraid | Tengo miedo de quedarme a solas. | I'm afraid to be on my own now. |
scared | Entramos cargados hasta arriba para darles miedo. | We go in there with so much firepower they're too scared to do anything. |
horror | Las películas de miedo no son aptas para niños pequeños. | Horror films are not suitable for little children. |
fear | El miedo a la tecnología impide a muchas personas mayores utilizar el ordenador. | The fear of technology stops many older people from using computers. |
scared s***less | Cuando nos perdimos en el bosque estábamos cagados de miedo. | When we got lost in the woods we were scared shitless. |
scare, frighten | La casa abandonada da miedo. | The ghost scared the children. |
great, stunning | ¡La amiga de tu novia está de miedo! ¡Preséntamela! | Your girlfriend's friend is great! Introduce me to her! |
horror story | Juan leyó una historia de miedo en el campamento. | Juan read a horror story at camp. |
scare, terrify, frighten | El nuevo novio de Laura mete miedo. | The haunted house scares everyone. |
fear of speaking in public, fear of public speaking | Pedro es muy inteligente pero tiene miedo a hablar en público. | Pedro is very intelligent but he has a fear of speaking in public. |
fear of heights | Mi hermana tiene miedo a las alturas. | My sister has a fear of heights. |
fear of the unknown | Todos tenemos miedo a lo desconocido, pero debemos superarlo y animarnos a cambiar. | We all have fear of the unknown, but we must overcome it and encourage ourselves to change. |
stage fright | El miedo escénico me impide aprobar exámenes orales. | Stage fright prevents me from doing oral exams. |
horror movie, scary movie | Cuando ves una película de miedo esa noche tienes pesadillas. | When you watch a horror movie that night you have nightmares. |
tremble with fear | Lucía temblaba de miedo mientras miraba la película de terror. | Lucia was trembling with fear as she watched the horror movie. |
be scared, be afraid | Después del terremoto, los niños tienen miedo y no quieren dormir en su habitación. | Since the earthquake, the children have been scared (or: have been afraid) and don't want to sleep in their room. |
be afraid to do [sth] | Tras recibir amenazas de muerte, la actriz tiene miedo de salir de su casa. | After receiving death threats, the actress is afraid to leave her home. |
be afraid of [sth], be scared of [sth] | El pequeño tiene miedo de la oscuridad y no quiere dormir solo. | The little boy is scared of the dark and doesn't want to sleep alone. |