launch | Propongo lanzar una sonda para aumentar el alcance. | Sir, I recommend we launch a probe to increase the range of our sweeps. |
launch | Joshua está intentando encontrar los códigos para lanzar los misiles. | Joshua's trying to find the right codes so he can launch the missiles himself. |
launch | Podríamos lanzar algo para celebrar el día. | Maybe we can launch something of our own to celebrate the day. |
launch | Quiero lanzar mi aerolínea muy pronto. | I want to launch my airline very soon. |
launch | Iban a lanzar el primer satélite artificial del mundo. | They were about to launch the world's first artificial satellite. |
launch | No creo que pueda lanzar más misiles. | I do not believe it can launch more missiles. |
launch | Tengo unos minutos para lanzar este bote. | I've got just a few minutes to launch this boat. |
launch | Limitaría su capacidad de lanzar un contraataque. | It would limit their ability to launch a counter-attack. |
launch | No estábamos en condiciones de lanzar un contraataque. | We weren't in any kind of shape to launch a counterattack. |
throw | No intentes lanzar un golpe cruzado. | Don't try to throw a cross punch. |
throw | Había salido para lanzar la piedra. | He had to go outside in order to throw the brick. |
throw | Intento lanzar su peso y comenzó a fanfarronear. | He tried to throw his weight around and started bragging. |
throw | Cuidado, asegura el tiro antes de lanzar. | [panting] Careful, Munk. Make sure you have a clear shot before you throw. |
release | Puedo lanzar 50,000 copias del CD. | I can release 50,000 copies of the CD. |
release | Están planeado lanzar una nueva canción en febrero. | They are planned to release a new song in February. |
throw | El perro corrió tras la pelota que le lanzó su amo. | The dog ran after the ball that its owner threw. |
launch, throw out | Los espectadores molestos lanzaban gritos e insultos. | The angry audience launched cries and insults. |
launch | La famosa actriz pretende lanzar un perfume con su nombre. | The famous actress intends to launch a perfume in her name. |
launch, initiate | Los medios de comunicación lanzaron una campaña contra la violencia doméstica. | The media launched a campaign against domestic violence. |
give, shoot | Estaba furiosa, lanzaba miradas asesinas a las mujeres que saludaban a su novio. | She was furious. She was giving murderous looks to the women who said hi to her boyfriend. |