that | No pretendía tener ese extraordinario efecto. | BRANDO: I didn't intend to have that extraordinary effect. |
that | Definitivamente escribiré sobre ese excitante escenario. | I am definitely going to write about that exciting scene just now. |
that | Continuaremos trabajando para lograr ese objetivo. | We will continue to work towards the achievement of that Goal. |
that | Pudiste haberme advertido sobre ese helicóptero. | (Kruger) You could have warned me about that helicopter. |
that | Ahora sé quién ese ese chico. | Now I know who that kid is. |
that | Creo que ese chico escuchó ese programa. | Now, I think this kid must've heard that show. |
that | Nunca pensé que pudiera reproducir ese milagro, ese espejismo tan increíble, ese Tilt Shift con mi Iphone. | I never thought I could make this miracle come true, this incredible mirage that is Tilt Shift, only with my little Iphone. |
that | Para superar ese problema, las autoridades establecieron nuevos certificados que no incluían ya ese requisito. | In order to overcome that problem, the authorities had introduced new certificates which no longer included that requirement. |
that | Mirando ese mar, ese cielo, parecería que fuera Túnez. | I must say, looking across that sea, that sky, it could have been Tunis. |
that | No sé que hacía ese chico en ese vecindario. | I don't knowwhat that boy was doing in that neighborhood. |
that | Te he visto con ese motorista, ese Serpiente. | I saw you with that biker guy, that Serpent. |
that | Hoy ese mocoso rico me hizo un favor porque nunca habría visto ese periódico en el suelo. | That snotty rich kid did me a favor today because I might not have ever seen that newspaper on the ground. |
that | Debemos cubrir ese rudo impulso con ese confiable brebaje. | We must blanket the raw impulse with that reliable beverage. |
that | Debe ser níquel, en ese nivel hacen ese ruido. | It should be nickel, in that level makes that noise. |
this | En ese marco, todos los partidos sudafricanos deberían comprometerse solemnemente con ese objetivo. | In this framework, all the parties in South Africa should solemnly commit themselves to this goal. |
this | Así que ese reptil... ese Adán, ha mordido la manzana. | So, this snake in the grass, this Adam... already he has eaten the apple? Yes. |
this | Creo que ese chico escuchó ese programa. | Now, I think this kid must've heard that show. |
this | Nunca pensé que pudiera reproducir ese milagro, ese espejismo tan increíble, ese Tilt Shift con mi Iphone. | I never thought I could make this miracle come true, this incredible mirage that is Tilt Shift, only with my little Iphone. |
this | Tenemos que encontrar ese Stargate y luego llegar... hasta ese dispositivo de viaje temporal. | What we have to do is find the Stargate, then get hold of this time travel device. |
this | Por ese motivo no puedo partir hasta que terminemos ese trabajo. | That's the reason I can't oblige you until this business is finished. |
the | Pero si yo tuviera que hacer ese viaje, tomaría ese. | But if I was a making' the trip, - she's the one I'd take. |
the | Escucha a ese mentiroso, ese santurrón. | Listen to the old fraud, the do-gooder. |
the | Tenemos que encontrar ese Stargate y luego llegar... hasta ese dispositivo de viaje temporal. | What we have to do is find the Stargate, then get hold of this time travel device. |
the | Debemos cubrir ese rudo impulso con ese confiable brebaje. | We must blanket the raw impulse with that reliable beverage. |
that | Coge ese teléfono porque el otro está estropeado. | Answer that phone; the other one is on the blink. |
that one | ¿Por qué coge ese? Prefiero el otro. | Why do you choose that one? I prefer the other one. |
cheer up! | ¡Arriba el ánimo! Todavía no hemos perdido. | Cheer up! We haven't lost yet. |
come off it | ¿No fuiste a mi fiesta de cumpleaños porque tu abuela se enfermó? A otro perro con ese hueso. | You didn't come to my birthday party because your grandma fell ill? Come off it! |
that way | Juan compartió el pastel, de esa manera todos pudieron comer. | Juan shared the cake; that way they could all have some. |
that way, like that | Martín dijo que de ese modo sería mejor. | Martin said that it would be better that way. |
that being the case, in that case | Todo parece indicar que la compañía va a cerrar el trato. De ser ese el caso, las cosas van a mejorar. | All indications are that the company will clinch the deal. In that case, things are going to get better. |