that | Estoy tratando de inventar algo para arreglar eso eso también. | I'm trying to think of an invention to fix that too. |
that | Muéstrenme eso, defiendan eso, celebren eso en las escuelas. | Now, show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. |
that | Mira eso, mira eso, mira eso, mira eso... | Look at that, look at that, look at that, look at that... |
that | Odio eso, cuando él hace eso. | I just hate it when he does that. |
that | Debe haber aprendido eso de tu hijito porque con seguridad no dicen eso en la TV. | He must have gotten that from your little boy... because they certainly don't say that word on TV. |
that | Bueno, eso es porque este vestido casi cuesta eso. | Well, that's because this dress almost costs that much. |
that | Cuando eso no funcionó, ella te quitó eso. | When that didn't work, she relieved you of that. |
that | Hemos tratado eso por cientos de años eso nos lleva a ningún lado. | We've been trying that for 100 years... and it's gotten us nowhere. |
that | Bien, eso debe mostrar claramente nuestros sentimientos sobre eso. | Well, that ought to make our feelings pretty clear about it. |
that | Cuando eso no funcionó, le quitó eso. | When that didn't work, she relieved you of that. |
that | Incluso si eso fuese cierto, no veo cómo eso te hace responsable. | Well, even if it's true, I don't see how that makes you responsible. |
that | Está muy bien eso de hacer 24 kilómetros diarios en bicicleta, pero eso no ejercita demasiado la cintura. | It's all very well, cycling for 15 miles a day but that doesn't necessarily do a huge amount for the waistline. |
that | Si quieres hacer eso también, eso es fantástico. | If you want to do that too, that's fantastic. |
that | Podríamos hacer eso si quieres, pero eso les daría tiempo para cerrarse. | We could do that, if you like, but it'll give them time to close up. |
it | Si eso te hace sentir mejor diagnosticar eso nos tomó casi tres horas. | If it makes you feel any better, it did almost take us three hours. |
it | Odio eso, cuando él hace eso. | I just hate it when he does that. |
it | Estaré en eso más tarde, eso es todo. | I'll take a look at it later, that's all. |
it | Bien, eso debe mostrar claramente nuestros sentimientos sobre eso. | Well, that ought to make our feelings pretty clear about it. |
that | Dame eso que tienes arriba de tu libreta. | Will you pass me that? |
that | Eso es muy cierto: estoy de acuerdo contigo. | That's is very true; I agree with you. |
that | ¡No digas eso! Es una blasfemia. | Don't say that! It's blasphemy. |
what, that | Eso que ves es el planeta Venus, no una estrella. | What you see is the planet Venus; it's not a star. |
that | ¿Aquel es tu novio? ¿Cómo puedes salir con eso? | That is your boyfriend? How can you go out with someone like that? |
around | Me gustaría que saliésemos a comprar a eso de la media tarde, que luego no tendremos para cenar. | I'd like to go shopping around the middle of the afternoon, otherwise we won't have anything to eat for dinner. |
so that's why | ¡Así que por eso no me llamaste! | So that's why you didn't call me! |
around, about, right around | No estoy seguro de la hora, pero creo que fue como a eso de las 14h cuando vi a los enmascarados. | I'm not sure of the exact time, but I think it was around 2 p.m. when I saw the masked men. |
despite that, despite all that | Con todo y eso, el príncipe juró que la amaría hasta la muerte. | Despite all that, the prince swore that he would love her forever. |
that's what it's about | De eso se trata, de ser más felices. | Being happier, that's what it's about. |
don't even go there | Hablamos de recortar gastos, no de aumentar los sueldos; de eso, ni hablar. | We are talking about cutting costs, not raising salaries; don't even go there. |
at the same time | Me encontré a tu ex en la calle y en eso me recogió mi mamá. | I ran into your ex on the street and, at the same time, my mom arrived to pick me up. |
that is why, that's why | Es por eso por lo que nos sentimos tan orgullosos. | That is why (or: That's why) we feel so proud. |
that is where I was going | Eso es a lo que iba, no te puedes quedar a vivir aquí. | That's where I was going, you can't stay and live here. |
that is all | —¿Tiene algo más que decir en su defensa? —No, eso es todo. | - Do you have anything else to say in your defense? - No, that is all. |
that remains to be seen | Mi amigo piensa que nuestros rivales van a ganar el campeonato, pero eso habría que verlo. | My friend thinks that our rivals will win the championship, but that remains to be seen. |
even though | Sigue brava conmigo eso que me disculpé varias veces. | She is still angry at me even though I apologized several times. |
undoubtedly | No se sabe de qué murió la víctima, pero, eso sí, se trata de un caso de homicidio. | We do not know exactly how the victim died, but it was undoubtedly a case of homicide. |
however | Carlos es un excelente amigo. Eso sí, si le prestas dinero, no va a pagarte nunca. | Carlos is a great friend. However, if you lend him money don't expect him to pay you back. |
exactly because of that | Justo por eso estoy enfadado. | I'm mad exactly because of that. |
that's why | Ha sido por eso por lo que lo han despedido. | That's why they fired him. |
if that were not enough | Juan se comió todo mi almuerzo y por si eso fuera poco, ¡también el postre! | Juan ate all of my lunch and, if that were not enough, also my dessert! |
exactly for that reason, for that very reason, that's exactlly why | Sé que no tienes ganas de nada, pero precisamente por eso quiero que vengas a esta cena. | I know you don't feel like doing anything, but for that very reason I want you to come to this dinner. |
right, right then, right you are | Pues eso, tal cual como te dije. | Right, just as I told you. |
do you really believe that? | ¡Qué te crees tú eso, si no sabes nada! | They say that the interest rate will rise. Do you really believe that? |
everything except that, anything but that | —¿Por qué me gritas? ¿Ya no me quieres? —Todo menos eso; te grito porque quiero que seas mejor. | - Why are you screaming at me? Don't you love me anymore? -Anything but that; I'm screaming because I want you to be better. |
and all that stuff | En Navidad celebramos, bailamos, cantamos, y eso. | At Christmas: we celebrate, we dance, we sing, and all that stuff. |
even though | Vine a trabajar y eso que estoy enferma. | I came to work even though I'm still sick. |
and | —La playa estaba llena de turistas. —Y eso que estamos en invierno. ¡Ni te imaginas cómo se pone en verano! | "The beach was full of tourists." "And it's still winter. You can't imagine what it's like in summer!" |
so what? | —¿Te acuerdas de la vez que metiste la pata? —¿Y eso qué? Estamos hablando de otra cosa. | "Do you remember the time you put your foot in it?" "So what? We are talking about something else." |
and that's not all | A Diego lo insultaban y lo trataban mal en esa empresa; y no solo eso: no le pagaron su último salario. | Diego was insulted and treated badly by that company, and that's not all: they didn't pay his final salary. |
and therefore | Estaba deprimido por su separación y por eso ha cogido la baja laboral. | He was depressed because of his separation and has therefore taken time off work. |