European | También procura definir las infraestructuras críticas a nivel europeo. | It also seeks to identify critical infrastructure at the European level. |
European | Somos un país europeo, mediterráneo e iberoamericano. | Our country is European, Mediterranean and Ibero-American in character. |
European | Buscamos a un equipo europeo, considerablemente entrenado. | We're looking for a European team with considerable training. |
European | En un mundo perfecto yo sería más europeo. | I mean, in a perfect world, I would be all European about it. |
European | Nuevos edificios de estilo europeo principalmente fueron erigidos en la ciudad. | New buildings, mainly of European style, were erected throughout the town. |
European | Sitio del seminario de derecho europeo de Urbino. | Regulation of the Center for European Legal Studies of Urbino. |
European | Pero estaba pensando en el París europeo. | But I was thinking more of the European Paris. |
European | Yo necesitaba una madriguera con pasaporte europeo. | What I needed was a ratholr with a European passport. |
European | He organizado una reunión con el comisario europeo. | I've arranged a brief meeting with the European Commissioner. |
European | Quiero que hablemos de tu nuevo estilo europeo. | I wanted to talk to you about this whole new European thing you've got going on. |
European | La población residente es principalmente de origen europeo. | Those who make up the resident population are predominantly of European extraction. |
European | Eres tan europeo cuando dices esas cosas. | It sounds so very European when you say things like that. |
European | Sugieren el clima de un ático europeo. | They suggest the atmosphere of a European attic room. |
European | Como europeo occidental no considera la situación desde esa perspectiva. | As a Western European himself, he did not consider the situation in that perspective. |
European | El mecanismo europeo correspondiente cuesta aproximadamente 4 millones de dólares. | The cost of the corresponding European mechanism was approximately $4 million. |
European | Hoy contemplamos el resurgimiento del imperialismo europeo. | Today, we are seeing the resurgence of European imperialism. |
European | No esperaba que entiendas el estilo europeo. | I wouldn't expect you to understand European chic. |
European | Han intentado asesinar... al distinguido diplomático europeo... | An attempt has been made to assassinate the distinguished European diplomat... |
European | El debate constitucional europeo tiene una historia accidentada. | The European constitutional debate has a history of ups and downs. |
european | Estaba subiendo a un deportivo europeo. | She was getting into a little european sports car. |
European | Los ciudadanos europeos tienen libertad de tránsito por la Unión. | European citizens have freedom of movement throughout the Union. |
European | El campeonato europeo de balonmano lo ganó Francia. | France won the European handball championship. |
European | En el apartamento de abajo viven unos europeos muy amables. | Some very nice Europeans live in the downstairs apartment. |