strange | Eres un hombre extraño, Giacomo. | What a strange man you are, Giacomo. |
strange | Está actuando extraño desde las fiestas. | He's been acting strange since the holidays. |
strange | Es extraño, vine acá antes. | It's strange, I'm came out here before. |
strange | Tienes un gusto extraño para hombres. | Well, you have a strange taste in men. |
strange | Será extraño estar allá afuera solo. | It'll be strange to be out there alone. |
strange | Anoche estaba de un humor extraño. | Last night I was in a strange mood. |
weird | Va a sonar extraño que pregunte. | It would be... weird, if I asked. |
weird | Sólo quisiera no tener este sentimiento tan extraño. | Believe me. I just wish I didn't have this weird feeling. |
weird | Prescripción... suena extraño cuando lo dices. | Prescription... That just feels weird in my mouth. |
weird | Es extraño cómo te acostumbras a todo. | It's weird how you get used to everything. |
weird | Eso sería un extraño pensamiento edípico. | That would be a weird, Oedipus-like thought. |
weird | Muéstrame cómo hiciste ese extraño swing. | Show me how you did that weird swing. |
weird | Siento que fuese tan extraño y súbito. | I'm so sorry that I was so weird and blunt. |
weird | Porque últimamente has creado un ambiente extraño. | 'Cause you've been kind of giving me a weird vibe lately. |
weird | Es extraño... solía funcionar bien. | That's weird... it used to worked well. |
weird | Vi al comprador usando un extraño aparato tecnológico. | I saw the buyer using this weird piece of tech. |
weird | De repente tuve un extraño sentimiento. | All of a sudden I got a weird feeling. |
odd | Es extraño llorar por tu padre. | It is odd to cry for one's father. |
odd | Algo extraño ocurre en mi edificio. | There is something odd going on in my building. |
odd | Era verdaderamente extraño, pero parecía honesto. | I mean, he was definitely odd, but he seemed honest. |
strange | Es extraño que tu hermana no nos haya llamado. Un olor extraño llegaba desde la cocina. | He found it quite strange that his friend didn't mention anything about the incident. |
strange | Dos mujeres extrañas fueron vistas hablando con los niños a través del enmallado de la escuela. | Two strange women were seen talking to the boys through the school fence. |
stranger | El vídeo de vigilancia reveló que dos extraños entraron en la vivienda. | The camera footage caught two strangers breaking into the house. |
seem strange, seem odd, appear strange, appear odd | Resulta extraño que Pablo no quiera ir a la fiesta. | It seems strange that Pablo doesn't want to go to the party. |