novel | Seguro que saldría una buena novela. | I'm sure it'd make a good novel. |
novel | Esto parece una novela victoriana romántica. | The thing reads like a Victorian romance novel. |
novel | Querías comprobar si entiendo la novela. | You wanted to check whether I understand the novel. |
novel | Sabia que no quería representar su novela. | You knew that you didn't want to represent her novel. |
novel | Aurore esperaba leer algunos extractos de su nueva novela. | Aurore was wanting to read some extracts from her new novel. |
novel | Quizás sea buen momento para contarte sobre mi novela. | Perhaps this is a good opportunity... to tell you about my novel. |
novel | Andrew Neiderman escribió una novela al principio. | You know, Andrew Neiderman wrote a novel at the beginning. |
novel | Aprenderé cocina francesa mientras acabas la novela. | I'll study French cooking while you finish your novel. |
novel | Parece el encuentro destinado una novela romántica. | It seems like a fateful meeting scene from a romantic novel. |
novel | Supongo que tendría que leer la novela moderna. | I'm guessing I'd probably have to read the modern novel. |
novel | Honestamente, deberías transferir la novela directamente al proyecto final. | Honestly, you should just transfer the novel straight to final draft. |
novel | No quiero aparecer en tu novela. | I don't want to be in your novel. |
novel | Está trabajando en una novela emocionante. | He's working on the most exciting novel. |
novel | Empezaremos con la segunda novela entonces. | We'll start with the second novel then. |
novel | Quiero decir, estaba completamente absorta con esta novela. | Not bad.I mean, I was completely consumed with this novel. |
novel | Quieren cambiar el título de su novela. | They want to change the title of your novel. |
novel | Deja tranquila la novela y estudia. | Forget about the novel, and get to studying. |
book | Estaba por terminar mi primera novela. | It was then I was finishing the first book. |
book | Tengo que escribir mi novela porque voy muy atrasada. | I have got to get back to my book. I'm way behind as it is. |
novella | Basada en la novela Carmen de Prosper Mérimée. | It was based on the novella Carmen by Prosper Mérimée. |
novel | Poseo una gran colección de novelas históricas. | I have a big collection of historic novels. |