face | No puedo permitirme olvidar una cara. | I can't afford to forget a face. |
face | A esperar que me crezcan colmillos y pelo en la cara. | You guys don't need to sit here staring at me, waiting for me to grow fangs and hair on my face. |
face | No sé, me gusta su cara. | I do not know and I loved her face much, Approves I love bakmay'y... |
face | Deberías haber puesto un emoticono como una cara sonriente. | You should have at least used an emoticon, like a smiley face. |
face | Vi una cara en la ventana. | What's wrong? - There was a face in that window. |
face | Preferiría ver tu cara cuando hablamos. | I'd much rather see your face when we talk. |
face | Te hará papilla tu hermosa cara. | What is this? - lt'il turn your pretty face into mush. |
face | Sí noto telarañas en la cara... | If I feel any cobwebs on my face... |
face | Quítele los vendajes para verle la cara. | We want you to undo the bandages and let us see your patients face. |
face | Reconocerás mi bota cuando te este pateando la cara. | You'll recognize my foot when it's kicking you in the face. |
face | Nunca pensé que tuvieras agallas para mostrar tu cara. | I just never thought you'd have the nerve to show your face. |
face | La sangre permanecerá en tu cara. | The blood will hold it on your face. |
face | Pero primero pídeme disculpas y límpiame la cara. | But first of all, say sorry and get my face washed. |
face | Prefiero ver tu cara cuando hablamos. | I'd much rather see your face when we talk. |
face | Tiene una cara como los proverbios. | She's got a face like the proverbial. |
face | Tiene papel higiénico en la cara. | He's got toilet paper on his face. |
side | Pero los bebés tienen otra cara. | But, you see, there's a flip side to babies. |
side | Hemos visto otra cara de Liz. | 'We'd seen a new side to Liz. |
look | Debió haber visto la cara del Procurador General. | You should've seen the look on the Attorney General's face. |
look | No ponga esa cara, entendió muy bien. | Don't give me that look, because you understand perfectly well. |
face | Los ojos están en la cara. | The eyes are on the face. |
front, obverse | En la cara de las monedas de mi país aparece el rey. | The monarch's head appears on the front of all British coins. |
look | Mi hijo ya tiene buena cara, aunque ha estado 5 días enfermo. | My son looks better, even though he's been ill for five days. |
double-sided | Imprimimos a doble cara para ahorrar papel. | We print double-sided to save on paper. |
keep a stiff upper lip, keep your chin up | Cuando mi padre enfermó, nunca perdió su optimismo y repetía constantemente: «al mal tiempo buena cara». | When my father fell ill he never lost his optimism and constantly repeated "keep your chin up". |
turn your face away | Quise darle un beso pero él apartó la cara. | I wanted to give him a kiss but he turned his face away. |
forward-facing seat | Vamos a instalar un asiento cara a la marcha en el auto para nuestro hijo. | We're going to put a forward-facing seat in the car for our son. |
hang your head in shame | A Juan se le cayó la cara de vergüenza cuando vio que tenía el pantalón desabrochado. | John hung his head in shame when he saw his trousers were unbuttoned. |
face to face | Debemos hablar de esto cara a cara y no por teléfono. | We should talk about this face to face and not over the phone. |
face to face | Se encontró cara a cara con la muerte durante el accidente. | He came face to face with death in the accident. |
frankly, openly | Si quieres solucionar los problemas que tienes con tu padre, deberás hablar cara a cara con él y decirle lo que piensas. | If you want to solve the problems that you have with your father, you must speak frankly with him and tell him what you think. |
sharp face | Sara es una hermosa mujer de cara afilada. | Sara is a beautiful woman with a sharp face. |
face of an angel | La niña tiene cara de ángel pero es bastante traviesa. | The little girl has the face of an angel but she's quite a rascal. |
face, face of disgust | El niño puso cara de asco cuando vio la verdura en el plato. | The boy pulled a face when he saw the vegetables on his plate. |
guilty look | ¿Por qué tienes cara de culpabilidad? ¿Qué hiciste ahora? | Why do you have such a guilty look? What did you do now? |
mean face | Horacio tiene cara de malo pero en realidad es muy buena persona. | Horacio has a mean face but he's really a nice guy. |
grim face, grim look | Pedro llegó a la oficina con cara de pocos amigos y decidimos no hablarle. | Pedro arrived at the office with a grim face and we decided not to talk to him. |
frightened look, scared look | La niña entró a la dirección con cara de susto. | The girl entered the office with a frightened look. |
end paper, front end paper | Los agradecimientos están en la cara interna del libro. | Acknowledgements are usually found on the end paper of a book. |
long face | ¿Qué es esa cara larga Juan, qué pasó? | What's with the long face, Juan? What happened? |
coin flip, flip of a coin | Dejémoslo a cara o cruz y que decidan las monedas. | Let's leave it to a coin flip and let the coin decide. |
round face | Axel tiene la cara redonda. | Axel has a round face. |
with a positive attitude | A pesar de las dificultades, Ana enfrenta su trabajo con buena cara. | Despite the difficulties, Ana confronted her work with a positive attitude. |
mournful look | Lucas llegó con cara de funeral pero no quiso contar qué le pasaba. | Lucas turned up with a mournful look but didn't want to say what was wrong with him. |
cost an arm and a leg | Todo en ese restaurante cuesta un ojo de la cara. | Everything in this restaurant costs an arm and a leg. |
face the consequences, accept the consequences | Si hiciste algo mal tienes que dar la cara. | If you did something wrong you have to face the consequences. |
facing [sb], facing [sth] | Este balcón está muy fresco porque le da el viento de cara. | This balcony is very chilly because it is facing the wind. |
with regard to | El alcalde prometió tomar medidas de cara a la delincuencia en la ciudad. | The mayor promised to take action with regard to crime in the city. |
say it to my face, tell me to my face | Si tienes algo que decirme dímelo en la cara. | If you have something to say, say it to my face. |
throw [sth] in [sb]'s face | Juan le echó en cara a su esposa muchas cosas del pasado. | I know I've made mistakes but you don't need to throw it in my face every minute. |
the eyes are the mirror of the soul, the face is a mirror of the soul | Una madre sabe cómo se sienten sus hijos con solo mirarlos porque la cara es el espejo del alma. | A mother knows how her children feel just by looking at them because the face is a mirror of the soul. |
the other side of the story | Debemos analizar también la otra cara de la moneda. | We should have a look at the other side of the story too. |
the other side of the coin | Es un buen medicamento, pero la otra cara de la moneda es la acidez que provoca. | It's a good drug, but the other side of the coin is the heartburn it causes. |
poverty has the face of | En este país la pobreza tiene cara de niño. | In this country, poverty has the face of a child. |
paint job | Le hicieron a la casa un lavado de cara para poderla vender. | They gave the house a paint job in order to sell it. |
give your best | El candidato presentó la mejor cara que pudo antes de las elecciones. | The candidate gave his best in the lead-up to the elections. |
how insolent you are, how impudent you are | ¡Qué cara tienes! ¿Cómo vas a decirle eso al jefe? | How insolent you are! How are you going to tell that to the boss? |
look | Horacio tiene cara de enojado, ¿qué habrá pasado? | Horacio looks angry. What could have happened? |
look bad | A Diana no le gusta el nuevo novio de su hija y dice que tiene mala cara. | Diana doesn't like her daughter's new boyfriend and says he looks bad. |
work directly with the public | Trabajar cara al público puede ser agotador. | Working directly with the public can be exhausting. |
come face to face with | Pedro se vio cara a cara con su hija después de muchos años. | Pedro came face to face with his daughter after many years. |
turn around | Martín volteó la cara para ver quién lo llamaba. | Martin turned around to see who was calling out to him. |
turn your back on [sb] | Laura volteó la cara y no me prestó atención. | Laura turned her back on me and ignored me. |
look the other way, turn a blind eye | Ana volteó la cara cuando traté de hablar con ella. | Anna looked the other way when I tried to talk to her. |