principle | Este principio aparece en otras disposiciones jurídicas. | This principle is present in a range of other legal provisions. |
principle | La Junta Ejecutiva reafirmó ese importante principio en su decisión 2013/9. | That important principle was reaffirmed by the Executive Board in its decision 2013/9. |
principle | Ese principio debe aplicarse también en este caso. | That principle must be applied in this case as well. |
principle | Su Gobierno no olvidará ese principio. | His Government would not stray from that principle. |
principle | También establece el principio de doble instancia. | This order also establishes the principle of the right to appeal. |
principle | Un objetivo del principio de participación es fomentar el proceso democrático. | One aim of the principle of participation is to foster the democratic process. |
principle | Nada puede justificar las excepciones a ese principio. | There could be no basis for exceptions to that principle. |
principle | La aplicación del principio de nacionalidad plantea varias cuestiones difíciles. | The application of the nationality principle raised a number of difficult questions. |
principle | Ese principio lo reiteran muchos instrumentos internacionales. | This principle is set out in many international instruments. |
principle | Pero hay un principio en juego. | But there's a principle at stake here. |
principle | El principio ha sido elogiado por diferentes tratadistas. | The principle has been commended by a number of authorities. |
principle | Es un principio de engaño militar. | Well, it's a principle of military deception. |
principle | El principio pertinente debe reflejarse también en diversos artículos conexos. | The principle in question should also be reflected in various related articles. |
principle | Experiencias recientes han confirmado este principio. | That principle had been validated by recent experiences. |
beginning | Para mí son sólo el principio. | To me, they're just the beginning. |
beginning | En el principio sólo había oscuridad. | Subtitles revised by AsifAkheir In the beginning there was only darkness. |
beginning | Porque arreglado a que desde principio. | If we'd only known that at the beginning. |
start | Estoy deseando saber qué le parece el principio. | I'm rather anxious to hear what you think about the start. |
start | La manifestación tendrá principio y fin. | There is a start and an end to the demonstration. |
start | El principio de la película es un poco lento. | The start of the movie is a little slow. |
start | Esa cita fue el principio de una bella amistad. | That meeting was the start of a beautiful friendship. |
at the beginning, in the beginning | Al principio, creímos que tener nuestra propia empresa iba a ser sencillo, pero pronto vimos que estábamos muy equivocados. | At the beginning, we thought that having our own company was going to be easy, but soon we saw that we were very wrong. |
from beginning to end | Pablo leyó la novela de principio a fin en una tarde. | Pablo read the novel from beginning to end in one afternoon. |
from the beginning, from the outset | Desde el principio queríamos un auto rojo, pero ya se habían vendido todos. | We wanted a red car from the beginning, but they had sold out. |
at the beginning, in the beginning | El Gobierno decidió, en principio, mantener su política de austeridad. | The government decided, at the beginning, to maintain their austerity policy. |
in theory, in principle | En principio, el cohete tiene suficiente combustible para despegar. | In theory (or: In principle), the rocket has enough fuel to blast off. |
at first, at the beginning | En un principio, esta carretera se usaba para el transporte de mercancías entre los dos pueblos. | At first, this road was used to transport goods between the two towns. |
active ingredient | El principio activo de estos medicamentos es el mismo. | The active ingredient of these medications is the same. |