even | La obligación persiste incluso una vez disuelto el matrimonio. | The obligation to support a child shall persist even after the termination of a marriage. |
even | Algunas lenguas incluso han estado prohibidas anteriormente. | Some languages had even been prohibited in the past. |
even | El procedimiento judicial demoraba mucho, incluso años. | The judicial procedures lasted too long, even for several years. |
even | Eres incluso más fabulosa en persona. | You're even more fabulous in the flesh. |
even | Uno no necesita hablar, incluso. | And you don't need to talk, even. |
even | Claro, incluso cuando copiamos todo. | Of course, even when we went redundant. |
even | E incluso ahora parece que sigue funcionando. | And even now it seemed it might still work. |
even | Mírenlo, incluso levanta cosas pesadas. | Look at him, even lifting heavy things now. |
even | Puedes ver que incluso están vestidas. | You can see they're not even undressed. |
even | E incluso eso tiene que terminar. | And now even that has come to an end. |
even | Este chirriaba incluso cuando estaba nuevo. | This one creaked even when it was new. |
even | Apuesto que incluso tenéis preparada la escapatoria. | I bet you guys even have good craft services. |
even | Pronto, ese pensamiento lo acosaba constantemente incluso estando despierto. | "Soon the thought was plaguing him constantly," even when he was awake. |
even | Darlene tenía muchos pretendientes, incluso cuando estaba casada. | Darlene always had a lot of boys around, even though she was married. |
even | Tu oferta es bien recibida, incluso al rechazarla. | Your offer is well received, even in the turning away of it. |
even | Bien, es incluso más impresionante. | Well, then it's even more impressive. |
even | Borracho incluso la víspera de Navidad. | He's drunk... even on Christmas Eve. |
even | Los federales pueden rastrear teléfonos incluso sin baterías. | (Barry) The Feds can track your phone even if the battery's out. |
including | Internamiento que puede suspenderse condicionalmente, incluso la prisión provisional. | Imprisonment which can be conditionally suspended, including the condition of custody. |
including | Asuntos regionales, incluso conocimientos especializados sobre Somalia. | Expertise on regional affairs, including specialized knowledge of Somalia. |
even | Los ladrones robaron todo, incluso los muebles. | The thieves stole everything, even the furniture. |
even | El Cid era tan famoso que incluso sus enemigos le respetaban. | El Cid was so famous that even his enemies respected him. |
even with | Incluso con lluvia, salíamos a jugar al patio. | Even with rain, we'd go out and play in the yard. |
even when | Incluso cuando llovía, jugábamos afuera. | Even when it rained we'd play outside. |
even too much | María y Andrés pasaron mucho tiempo, incluso demasiado tiempo, juntos. | Maria and Andres spent a lot of time together, perhaps even too much. |
even mine | Todos los teléfonos, incluso el mío, se han quedado sin batería. | All the telephones have run out of battery, even mine. |
even in | En Inglaterra llueve incluso en verano. | In England it rains even in summer. |
even better than | La terapia le sirvió incluso mejor que una operación. | The therapy helped him even better than an operation. |
even for | Incluso para alguien como tú es una tarea difícil. | It's a difficult task, even for somebody like you. |
even if | Incluso si tratas de evitarlo, no podrás. | Even if you try to avoid it, you won't be able to. |