family | Considera la unión consensual una modalidad familiar. | Common-law marriage considered to be a form of family. |
family | El tratamiento podrá ser individual, colectivo o familiar. | The treatment may be individual, collective or a family one. |
family | La violencia familiar está regulada por varias leyes. | Certain laws in the Republic of Tajikistan govern questions of family violence. |
family | Hay muy pocas organizaciones que ofrezcan servicios de asesoramiento familiar. | There are very few organizations that provide counselling services for the family. |
family | También se crearon y equipararon varios centros de producción familiar. | The programme also created and furbished a number of productive family centres. |
family | Los medios de acogida se consideran complementarios del medio familiar. | The care services are regarded as being complementary to the family environment. |
family | Creo que estás reviviendo una vieja dinámica familiar... | Listen, man, I think you're playing out some old family dynamic here... |
family | Es un asunto familiar privado Su Señoría. | This is a private family matter, Your Honor. |
family | Deberían escucharlos cantar en la capilla familiar. | You should hear them singing in the family chapel I gave them. |
family | Por eso agregaré una hija al séquito familiar. | That's why I'm adding a daughter to the entourage family. |
family | Subasta propiedad familiar como si no importase. | Auctioning off family property like it's no big deal. |
family | Toda mi vida quise tener una Navidad familiar. | All my life I've wanted to have a big family Christmas. |
family | Pensé que esta mañana había desayuno familiar. | I thought there was a family breakfast this morning. |
family | Vamos a tener una reunión familiar... | Let's have a family reunion... in Hell. |
family | Ésta tiene una sala familiar linda. | Okay? This one has a nice family room. |
family | Cariño, necesitamos tener otra reunión familiar. | Honey, we need to have another family meeting. |
family | Quieres romper tu álbum familiar, adelante. | You want to break out the family album, be my guest. |
family | Agradezco la visita y los fragmentos de historia familiar. | Uncle Albert... I appreciate this visit and the bits of family history. |
familiar | Los últimos años fue un rostro familiar. | For the last several years, you've been a familiar face. |
familiar | La escogen porque parece acreditada y familiar. | They choose it because it seems authoritative and familiar. |
family | Mi hermano llega hoy del extranjero y le daremos la bienvenida con una cena familiar. | My brother arrives today from abroad, and we are going to welcome him with a family dinner. |
familiar | Tu cara me parece familiar, ¿nos conocemos? | Your face seems familiar to me. Have we met? |
homely | Es un hotel acogedor, todos los huéspedes reciben un trato familiar. | It is a homely hotel; all of the guests are treated warmly. |
household savings | El dinero que queda después de cubrir los gastos de la casa es el ahorro familiar. | The money that is left over after household expenses is the household savings. |
family album | Nos acomodamos en el sofá a ver álbumes familiares. | We settled on the sofa to take a look through the family album. |
family history, family background | Tenemos un antecedente familiar de diabetes. | We have a family history of diabetes. |
dependents | Debe declarar su carga familiar para solicitar el subsidio. | You must declare your dependents to apply for the allowance. |
family reconciliation | El mediador se dedica específicamente a la conciliación familiar. | The mediator focuses specifically on family reconciliation. |
familial coexistence, family living | En espacios pequeños, la convivencia familiar no es fácil. | Familial coexistence is not easy in small spaces. |
family gathering, family get-together | En las fiestas, la convivencia familiar tiene una dinámica propia. | At parties, family gatherings have their own dynamic. |
family demand | El país está en capacidad de satisfacer la demanda familiar de alimentos. | The country is in a position to meet family food demands. |
family business | Juan y su esposa van a abrir una empresa familiar. | Juan and his wife are going to open a family business. |
distant relative | Parece que la víctima de asesinato era una familiar lejana del alcalde. | It would appear that the murder victim was a distant relative of the mayor. |
family involvement | La implicación familiar en la escuela debe ser alta. | There should be significant family involvement in education. |
family income | Si el ingreso familiar no es suficiente para el sustento del hogar, existe la posibilidad de pedir un subsidio al Gobierno. | If the family income is not enough for the upkeep of the household, there is a possibility of requesting a Government allowance. |
family business | Los hermanos López tienen un negocio familiar. | The Lopez brothers have a family business. |
family reunification | No podía traer a su familia todavía porque no cumplía los requisitos para solicitar la reagrupación familiar. | He could not yet bring his family because he was not eligible to apply for family reunification. |
family reunion | Tengo una reunión familiar el domingo. | I have a family reunion on Sunday. |
family unit | La unidad familiar recibe una ayuda del Estado. | The family unit receives help from the State. |
domestic violence | Debemos erradicar la violencia doméstica. | We must eradicate domestic violence. |
domestic violence | La violencia familiar es un problema grave en nuestra sociedad. | Domestic violence is a serious problem in our society. |