end | Al final del documento se presentan conclusiones y recomendaciones. | Conclusions and recommendations are offered at the end of this paper. |
end | Estos comentarios figuran al final del informe. | These comments can be found at the end of the report. |
end | 44 incluyen al final de este prospecto. | 41 provided at the end of this leaflet must be followed. |
end | Ese será el final del tratamiento. | That will be the end of the treatment. |
end | Al final me recordarás como si estuviera muerta. | In the end you'll remember me as if I were dead. |
end | Estaba al final del corredor prncipal. | She was at the end of the main corridor. |
end | Creemos que usó un soplete al final. | We're thinking that he used a blowtorch to fire-tip the end. |
end | Información está al final del pasillo. | That's at the end of the passage. |
end | Incluso lloramos un poco al final. | He even teared up a little at the end. |
end | Esto me evitará un final muy doloroso. | This may just allow me to skip a very painful end. |
end | Tendréis que entregársela al final de la ceremonia. | You will present it to him at the end of the ceremony. |
end | Ni siquiera estamos cerca del final. | Man, we are not even close to the end. |
end | Recuérdaselo al final de la temporada. | Hold him to it at the end of the season. |
end | Escuchen el final de mi boletín. | Do listen to the end of my newsletter. |
final | Las observaciones recibidas fueron incorporadas al texto final. | The comments received were then incorporated into the final text. |
final | En 2009 se realizará una evaluación final. | A final evaluation of the programme will be conducted in 2009. |
final | Necesitamos que haga una identificación final antes de partir. | We'll need you to make a final identification before departure. |
final | Me interesaría oír su análisis final. | I'd be interested in hearing your final analysis. |
ending | Él estaba buscando lo imposible mi final feliz. | He was looking for the impossible - my happy ending. |
ending | No veo un final feliz llegando pronto. | And I don't see a happy ending coming anytime soon. |
ending | Me gustan las películas con final feliz. | I like movies with a happy ending. |
final, last | Estamos en la fase final del lanzamiento. | We are in the final phase of the launch. |
at the end of | Los alumnos presentan exámenes a finales de semestre. La entrega del proyecto está programada a finales de 2018. | The students take exams at the end of the semester. The deadline for the project is at the end of 2018. |
at the end | Al principio de la obra, el protagonista aparece en una isla desierta; al final, regresamos a la misma isla para ver el desenlace. | In the beginning of the play, the protagonist appears on a desert island; at the end, we return to the same island to see the conclusion. |
at the end of | Sacaremos cuentas al final del viaje, por ahora tú anota todo. | We will figure it all out at the end of the trip. For now, just write everything down. |
final touch | El espectáculo de baile fue el broche final perfecto para una noche increíble. | The dance show was the final touch to an incredible night. |
quarter finals, quarterfinals | Venezuela pasó a cuartos de final en la última competición. | Venezuela made it through the quarter finals to the final competition. |
final destination | París es el destino final de nuestro viaje. | Paris is the final destination on our trip. |
happy ending | A Helena solo le gustan las películas con final feliz. Espero que esta historia tenga un final feliz. | Helena only likes films with happy endings. I hope this story has a happy ending. |
until the end | Juan durmió hasta el final del viaje. | Juan slept until the end of the trip. |
clear up the matter | Debemos llegar al final del asunto y resolver nuestros problemas. | We must clear up the matter and solve our problems. |
round of 16 | La selección española pasó a octavos de final en el torneo de fútbol. | The Spanish team went on to the round of 16 in the soccer tournament. |
end product | El producto final se ve muy bien. | The end product looks great. |
full stop | ¡No irás a la fiesta. Punto final! | You're not going to the party. Full stop! |
period | Y con esto me despido, punto y final. | And with this I say goodbye, period. |
home straight | Estamos en la recta final para el lanzamiento del producto. | We are on the home straight for the product launch. |
final stretch | En la recta final se decide quién será el ganador. | The winner of the race will be decided in the final stretch. |
all good things come to an end | Manuel disfrutó de su herencia por años, pero todo tiene su final y otra vez está buscando trabajo. | Manuel enjoyed his inheritance for years, but all good things come to an end and he's looking for work again. |
see the light at the end of the tunnel | Después de tantos problemas, la muerte de mi papá y la ruptura con Elisa, creo que por fin estoy viendo la luz al final del túnel. | After so many problems, the death of my father, and the breakup with Elisa, I think that I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. |