find | Todos ellos tres deben hallar este día imposible... | That all three of them should find this day unfeasible... |
find | Necesitamos hallar algo más potente para estimular su memoria. | We need to find something more powerful to stimulate his memory. |
find | Digo que debemos hallar donde dormir. | I think we should find a place to crash. |
find | Ahora tenemos que hallar las mejores ruedas. | Now, we need to find the best set of wheels. |
find | Podría hallar muchas cosas para que haga. | There are plenty of things I could find for him to do. |
find | Quiero ayudarlo a hallar al tiburón. | I want to help you find that shark. |
find | Tendría que hallar al hombre adecuado. | I'd have to find the right man. |
find | No puedo hallar el lenguaje para describirlo. | I just can't find the language to describe it in. |
find | Comprendió no fue que debía hallar mi delineador. | Resonated with wasn't that I had to find my lip liner. |
find | Debemos hallar la manera de destruirlos. | And then we have to find a way to destroy them. |
find | El alfiler debe colocarse bien para hallar buen marido. | The hairpin should be better placed for a girl to find the right husband. |
find | Cuando estaba por tomar un taxi halló las llaves perdidas de su auto. | When he was about to take a taxi, he found the lost keys to his car. |
discover, find | El maestro por fin halló la forma de controlar a sus alumnos. | The teacher finally discovered (or: found) the way to control his students. |
find | Hallé un fajo de billetes tirado en la calle. | I found (or: came across) a wad of bills dropped in the street. |