possess | Debe ser agradable poseer tanta certeza. | It must be nice to possess such certainty. |
possess | Si atacamos desde atrás, podemos poseer Ungniha. | If we attack from behind, we can possess Ungniha. |
possess | El titular deberá poseer los conocimientos lingüísticos necesarios. | The individual would need to possess the appropriate linguistic skills. |
possess | 12 Interferón beta-1b ha demostrado poseer actividad antivírica e inmunorreguladora. | Interferon beta-1b has been shown to possess both antiviral and immunoregulatory activities. |
possess | Fuente psíquica es propiedad independiente y'll localizarlos poseer cosas para buscar. | Psychic source is independently owned and you'll locate them to possess things to look for. |
possess | Deben poseer valor, energía y perseverancia. | Courage, energy, and perseverance they must possess. |
possess | Estas personas crecerán muy rápidamente hasta poseer fe espiritual. | This kind of people will quickly grow to possess spiritual faith. |
possess | Quiero... necesito poseer cada centímetro de ti. | I want to... I need to possess every inch of you. |
possess | La Iglesia solo puede poseer re... | The Church may possess resources only for the... |
possess | Entonces debe poseer este excelente plug-in. | If so, this is an excellent plug-in to possess. |
possess | Necesita poseer y adquirir más activos que pasivos. | You need to possess and acquire more assets than liabilities. |
possess | Recientemente diversos cannabinoides han mostrado poseer capacidad antitumoral. | Recently, several cannabinoids have been shown to possess antitumour properties. |
possess | Los candidatos para estos puestos deben poseer las calificaciones previstas en la Constitución y la legislación secundaria. | Candidates for these positions must possess the qualifications listed in the Constitution and secondary legislation. |
possess | Ciertos países pueden examinar la posibilidad de comprometerse voluntariamente a no poseer uranio muy enriquecido ni plutonio 239 separado. | Some countries may consider a voluntary commitment not to possess any highly enriched uranium or separated plutonium 239. |
own | Nuestras mujeres sólo deben poseer la tierra. | With us, it is the duty of women only to own the land. |
own | Porque tú no necesitas poseer el universo. | Because you don't need to own the universe. |
have | Simplemente no podíamos dejarte poseer esta compañía. | There was just no way we could let you have this company. |
have | Tenemos suerte de poseer esta casa. | We're lucky to have such a home. |
possess, have | Es una empresa sólida, posee una gran cantidad de activos. | It is a sound company, it has a large amount of assets. |