June | Se espera organizar elecciones generales en junio de 2006. | The organization of general elections is now expected to take place in June 2006. |
June | Queremos tener el arma en junio. | As long as we have a weapon by June. |
June | Desde junio se espera un ataque japonés. | Since June that they waited one has attacked Japanese. |
June | Esperamos conseguirlo el 1 de junio. | We're hoping to do it by June 1st. |
June | Ojalá hubiese podido vernos en junio. | I wish you could've seen us in June. |
June | Contrajo disentería a principios de junio. | He contracted dysentery at the beginning of June. |
June | Para finales de junio no habrá más comida. | It is said that food shall be sufficient only up to the end of June. |
June | El 29 de junio nuestras tropas liberaron Bobruisk. | On June 29, our troops had liberated the city of Bobruisk. |
June | Podríamos mudarnos juntos a finales de junio. | We could totally just move there... at the end of June, together. |
June | Permanecieron detenidos desde junio de 1996. | They have been in detention since June 1996. |
June | A mediados de junio seguían en prisión preventiva. | As of the middle of June, they remain in pre-trial detention. |
June | Supongo que podemos pasarlo para junio. | I guess we could push it to June. |
June | Esperamos poder seguir desarrollando esta herramienta decisiva en junio. | We look forward to further developing this critical tool in June. |
June | En junio dos miembros del Maŷlis fueron encarcelados. | In June, two members of the Majilis were sent to jail. |
June | Siempre que la tengamos para junio. | As long as we have a weapon by June. |
June | Reunión en Washington, el 25 de junio. | Meeting held in Evian (France), on I, 2 and 3 June. |
June | Las negociaciones técnicas con Bulgaria concluyeron en junio de 2004. | The negotiations with Bulgaria closed at the technical level in June 2004. |
June | Creo que ya deberían haberlo hecho en junio pasado. | I think that this should have been done by June of this year. |
June | En junio se celebran las elecciones europeas. | The European elections will be taking place in June. |
June | El mes de junio es el mes de los exámenes en los centros educativos. | June is a month of testing in schools. |