friend | Escucha, hablé con nuestro amigo... | I don't know. Listen, I talked to our friend. |
friend | Ken Fujiyoshi, amigo del profesor Wilson. | Ken Fyuts Esi, a friend of Professor Wilson. |
friend | Fuiste mi familia amigo más querido. | You were my family's most cherished friend. |
friend | No debiste hacerlo si me considerabas tu amigo. | You shouldn't have done it if you considered me your friend. |
friend | Quizás tenga un amigo para presentarme. | Maybe he has a friend you can hook me up with. |
friend | Mi amigo, debería ser clarividente. | My friend, you should be a mind-reader. |
friend | Es un amigo de Arthur Mitchell. | He's a friend of Arthur Mitchell's. |
friend | Su amigo será bienvenido, naturalmente. | Your friend will be welcome, of course. |
friend | Ayer estaba preocupado por su amigo. | He was pretty upset about his friend yesterday. |
friend | Entonces ya no debes considerarme tu amigo. | Then you should no longer consider me your friend. |
friend | Pero tu amigo logró arrojarla a la ionosfera... | But your friend managed to toss it into the ionosphere... |
friend | Quieren encontrar a su amigo el comediante. | They want to find their friend, the comedian. |
friend | Estuve hablando con un amigo del Servicio Secreto. | I had a nice chat with a friend at the Secret Service. |
friend | Sé que Mickey Rodansky es amigo tuyo... | I know Mickey Rodansky's a friend of yours... |
friend | Tu amigo Robbie estaba tramando algo. | Your friend, Robbie, was up to something. |
friend | Tendré una charla con mi amigo. | I'm going to have a little talk with my friend, here. |
friend | Este hombre es buen amigo tuyo. | This man is a good friend of yours... |
friend | Pero parece que podrías necesitar un amigo. | It just seems to me that you might need a friend. |
man | Muero por esta película, amigo. | I'm psyched for this movie, man. |
man | Nuestro amigo de Alemania traerá más piezas. | Our man from Germany will be arriving with more pieces soon. |
friend | Nuestro primer viaje a Cuzco lo organizamos entre cuatro amigos. Por favor, avísame cuando llegue tu amiga; quiero agradecerle personalmente por su ayuda. | We organised our first trip to Cuzco among four friends. Please let me know when your friend arrives because I want to thank her personally for her help. |
friend | Un traductor amigo de mi madre me enseñó algunas expresiones en francés. | A translator friend of my mother's taught me some French expressions. |
a friend in need is a friend indeed | Nunca descuides a tus amigos sinceros, recuerda que: a buen amigo, buen abrigo. | Never treat your true friends poorly; remember that a friend in need is a friend indeed. |
friend with benefits | No somos novios; somos amigos con derecho. | We aren't a couple: we are friends with benefits. |
childhood friend | Los amigos de infancia se recuerdan con cariño toda la vida. | Childhood friends are fondly remembered their entire lives. |
family friend | Cuando era niño, un amigo de la familia descubrió su talento para la música. | When he was a child, a family friend discovered his talent for music. |
light-fingered | La última vez que viniste se me perdió un reloj. ¿No serás amigo de lo ajeno? | Last time you came a watch of mine went missing. Perhaps you are light-fingered? |
friend of a friend | Cuando Jaime cuenta una anécdota bochornosa, dice que le pasó al amigo de un amigo. | When Jaime tells an embarrassing anecdote, he says it happened to a friend of a friend. |
kindred spirit | Patroclo era el amigo del alma de Aquiles. | Patroclus was Achilles' kindred spirit. |
mutual friend | No tenemos muchos amigos en común. | We don't have many mutual friends. |
imaginary friend | Cuando estaba pequeña, Stephanie tenía tres amigos imaginarios: Willy, Maya y Wendy. | When she was little, Stephanie had three imaginary friends: Willy, Maya and Wendy. |
close friend | Es muy reservada, sólo comparte sus secretos y sus temores con su amiga íntima. | He is very reserved; he only shares his secrets and fears with his close friend. |
imaginary friend | Es común que los niños tengan un amigo invisible. | It's common for children to have an imaginary friend. |
my friend | ¡Cuánto tiempo sin verte, amigo mío! | It's been too long, my friend! |
pen pal | Las niñas se hicieron dos amigos por correspondencia en la escuela. | The girls became pen pals during elementary school. |
secret Santa | En la oficina jugamos al amigo secreto para el intercambio de regalos de Navidad. | We play secret Santa in the office to exchange Christmas gifts. |
good friend | Un buen amigo te dice la verdad, por dolorosa que sea. | A good friend tells you the truth no matter how painful it is to hear. |
bad friend | ¿Te tomas una cerveza y te vas? ¡Mal amigo! Ana se dejó engatusar por una mala amiga. | You have one beer and then you leave already? You're a bad friend! Ana was tricked by a bad friend. |
best friend | Mi mejor amigo conoce todos mis secretos. | My best friend knows all my secrets. |
Dear friend | Querido amigo: Te escribo para saludarte. | Dear friend: I'm writing to you to say hello. |