read | Debes saber que no podría leer leer esa carta y dejarla a un lado. | Well, you must have known I couldn't read such a letter and put it aside. |
read | Pero es interesante leer todos los comentarios. | But it's interesting to read all the comments. |
read | Dicen que puedes leer los pensamientos. | I've been told you can read our thoughts. |
read | Porque tengo como dos semanas de capítulos que leer. | 'Cause I've got like two weeks worth of chapters to read. |
read | Necesitaba un buen sitio donde leer. | I just needed a good place to read. |
read | Me encantaría leer algo que haya escrito. | I would love to read something you've written. |
read | No quiero leer esta maldita carta. | I don't want to read the bloody thing. |
read | Gracias por permitirme leer tu magnífico artículo. | Thank you for letting me read your wonderful article. |
read | No te distraeré si tratas de leer. | All right, I won't bug you if you're trying to read. |
read | Marqué unos fragmentos, si quieres leer. | And I've marked a few bits, in case you want to read. |
read | Me aseguraré de leer todo esto. | I'll be sure to read all of this. |
read | No. Vengo aquí a leer el periódico. | No, this-this is, this is just where I come to read the paper. |
read | Déjeme leer la petición y lo reanudaremos mañana. | Judge: Let me read the petition, and we will reconvene tomorrow. |
read | Antes de entregarlo, se lo di a leer a Cheech. | I admit it came rather hard... and before I handed in the pages, I sent them over to Cheech to read. |
read | Fíjate si puedes leer mis pensamientos ahora. | See if you can read my thoughts right now. |
see | Me muero por leer sus antecedentes. | I can't wait to see this guy's record. |
read | Juan está leyendo un libro. | Juan is reading a book. |
read | Carla leía la partitura y tocaba el piano a la vez. | Carla was reading the sheet music and playing the piano at the same time. |
read, detect, sense | Juan leyó la tristeza en los ojos de Ana. | Juan could read (or: sense) the sadness in her eyes. |
read, present | Juan leerá su tesis el lunes. | Juan is reading (or: presenting) his thesis on Monday. |
read | Mi ordenador no puede leer este archivo. | My computer can't read this file. |