fundamental | Solucionar esta cuestión es fundamental para la reconciliación en la ex-Yugoslavia. | The resolution of this issue is fundamental to reconciliation in the former Yugoslavia. |
fundamental | La composición del nuevo Consejo será fundamental para su eficacia. | The composition of the new Council will be fundamental to its effectiveness. |
fundamental | Creo que tenemos un respeto mutuo fundamental. | I think we had fundamental respect for each other. |
fundamental | Angola considera que hay un problema fundamental por resolver. | Angola considers that there is a fundamental problem to be resolved first. |
fundamental | Ese procedimiento adolece de una falla fundamental. | There was a fundamental flaw in such a procedure. |
fundamental | Encajamos juntos profundamente y de manera fundamental. | We're bound together in a deep and fundamental manner. |
fundamental | Para evitarlo debe haber un cambio fundamental. | If that is to be averted, something fundamental must change. |
fundamental | Juntos constituyen la garantía fundamental de una paz duradera. | Together, they constitute the most fundamental guarantee of lasting peace. |
fundamental | El sistema necesita urgentemente una reforma fundamental. | The system is in urgent need of fundamental reform. |
essential | También es un componente fundamental para conseguir un desarrollo sostenible y equitativo. | It is also an essential component for the achievement of sustainable and equitable development. |
essential | Es fundamental adoptar medidas concertadas para salvar la solución biestatal. | Concerted action is essential if we are to salvage the two-State solution. |
essential | Es fundamental que el proceso de perfeccionamiento sea concreto y cuantificable. | It was essential that the process of refinement be both specific and quantifiable. |
essential | También es fundamental recordar el carácter intergubernamental de la Organización. | It is also essential to remember the intergovernmental character of the Organization. |
essential | Una mejor vigilancia es fundamental para resolver este problema. | Improved oversight is essential to gaining a handle on this problem. |
essential | Es fundamental dar prioridad al cumplimiento de esas disposiciones. | It is essential that priority be given to fulfilling these provisions. |
essential | Esto es fundamental para quienes deben aplicarlos. | This is essential for those who are left to implement them. |
essential | Esa relación estrecha también es fundamental por motivos políticos y administrativos. | For political and administrative purposes, too, such a close relationship was essential. |
essential | Por eso tu existencia es fundamental. | That's why your existence is so essential. |
key | Su falta constituye un problema fundamental para el equipo. | The lack of resources and capacities to implement those tasks is a key challenge faced by the country team. |
key | El próximo paso fundamental es aplicarla fielmente. | The next key step is to faithfully implement it. |
fundamental, basic | Una buena enseñanza es fundamental para el futuro de las personas. | A good education is fundamental (or: basic) for a person's future. |
fundamental, essential | Lo fundamental para poder seguir adelante con el proyecto es que nos den financiación. | What is fundamental (or: essential) in moving forward with the project is getting financed. |