future | Necesitábamos algo para celebrar vuestro futuro. | Well, I thought we needed something to celebrate your future. |
future | Afirmó que las ciudades tenían futuro. | The city did have a future, he said. |
future | Tendrá profundas implicaciones para nuestro futuro. | It will have deep implications for our future. |
future | Sabemos que el futuro traerá más catástrofes naturales. | We know that the future will bring more natural disasters. |
future | Su futuro debería forjarse con espíritu de armonía y cooperación. | Their future should be built in an atmosphere of harmony and cooperation. |
future | Portugal quiere estar a la vanguardia del futuro. | Portugal wants to be at the forefront of the future. |
future | Escojamos un futuro seguro y próspero para todos. | Let us choose a secure and prosperous future for all. |
future | El futuro será todo un reto para África subsahariana. | The future is going to be particularly challenging for the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. |
future | Me gustaría hablar de mi futuro. | Ma'am, I was hoping we could discuss my future. |
future | Dijiste cosas maravillosas sobre el futuro. | You've talked a wonderful game about the future. |
future | Como si Cemsit hubiera planeado nuestro futuro. | It's as if Cemþit had planned our future. |
future | Debes mantener tu futuro alineado correctamente. | You have to keep your future properly aligned. |
future | Hemos visto arder el futuro directamente ante nosotros. | We saw the future burn right in front of us. |
future | No necesitas preocuparte por el futuro Kal-El. | You don't need to worry about the future, Kal-El. |
future | Creo que tienes futuro especiando croutons. | I think you have a future in spicing croutons. |
future | Mi generación nunca tuvo el futuro prometido. | My generation never got the future it was promised. |
future | No sé nada sobre el futuro. | I don't know anything about the future. |
future | Vende viajes al futuro y tiene una casa increíble. | He sells trips to the future and he's got this amazing house. |
future | Pensé que estabas mirando al futuro. | I thought you were looking to the future. |
future | Estuvimos sentados durante horas planeando nuestro futuro. | We sat here for hours and planned our future. |
future | Planeamos vivir en la playa en un futuro. | We're planning to live on the beach at some time in the future. |
future | Ya están diseñando el futuro plantel. | They are already designing the future school building. |
future | No sé que nos deparará el futuro. | I don't know what the future will bring us. |
bet on the future | Debemos apostar al futuro y apoyar las decisiones de la empresa. | We should bet on the future and support the decisions of the company. |
look to the future, glimpse into the future | Debemos asomarnos al futuro y arriesgarnos si queremos triunfar. | We must look to the future and take chances if we are to succeed. |
in the near future | Juan cree que en un futuro no muy lejano podremos teletransportarnos a nuestro lugar de trabajo. | Juan believes that, in the near future, we will be able to teleport ourselves to our workplace. |
near future | Manuel solo se preocupa por el futuro cercano y nunca piensa en lo que pueda pasar dentro de varios años. | Manuel is only concerned with the near future and never thinks about what could happen in the years ahead. |
uncertain future | A estos pobres huérfanos los espera un futuro incierto. | An uncertain future awaits those poor orphans. |
immediate future | Por ahora, pensemos solo en el futuro inmediato; ya veremos qué viene después. | For now we are only thinking about the immediate future. We will see what comes next. |
distant future | La dirección actual parece no hacer planes para el futuro lejano de la compañía. | The current management seems not to make any plans for the distant future of the company. |
look towards the future, look to the future, think ahead | Debemos mirar al futuro y planear a largo plazo. | We should look towards the future and plan long-term. |
look to the future | Juan mira hacia el futuro y tiene grandes planes. | Juan looks to the future and has great plans. |
farsightedness | La visión de futuro del empresario lo llevó a invertir en un negocio que lo haría millonario quince años más tarde. | The entrepreneur's farsightedness led him to invest in a business that would make him a millionaire fifteen years later. |