government | Un gobierno provisional ha estado en funciones desde entonces. | A caretaker government has been in place at the State level since the elections. |
government | El gobierno no puede controlar este problema. | The government is not able to control this problem. |
government | Lo impide el gobierno de Estados Unidos. | The government of the United States prevents this from happening. |
government | Logró un raro permiso del gobierno de prospección allí. | He's been granted a rare license from the government to drill offshore. |
government | El prefijo parece un número del gobierno. | The prefix on the call, it looks like a government number to me. |
government | Nuestrasociedadsecretatiene su propio gobierno queloslíderesdelossuplentes a partir de 12 familias reales. | Our secret society has its own government that alternates leaders from 12 royal families. |
government | Sé que el gobierno ignora intencionalmente esta epidemia. | I know that the government is intentionally ignoring this epidemic. |
government | Acordamos que el gobierno aprobaría sin imposiciones. | We agreed the government could approve but not impose. |
government | Pedimos al gobierno una misión a Marte. | We want the government to commit to a manned mission to Mars. |
government | El gobierno es demasiado poderoso para atacarle. | The government is too powerful for us to fight. |
government | Estamos intentando destruir un gobierno fantasma, Aubrey. | We're trying to destroy a shadow government here, Aubrey. |
government | Viajo de urgencia representando a mi gobierno. | I'm traveling on urgent business for my government. |
government | El gobierno no quiere pagar abortos. | The government will not be paying for the abortions. |
government | Fue tiroteado mientras... robaba secretos del gobierno. | He was shot dead while in the process of stealing government secrets. |
government | El gobierno lanzó una bomba nuclear en San Francisco. | The government has just detonated a nuclear weapon over San Francisco. |
government | Está en manos de su gobierno. | It is in the hands of their government. |
government | He sido tanteado por el gobierno. | I've had some feelers from the government. |
governance | Buen gobierno también significaba buscar justicia. | Good governance also needed to aim for justice. |
administration | En Liberia hay un nuevo gobierno y grandes expectativas nacionales. | There is a new administration in Liberia and national expectations are high. |
administration | Quiere que este gobierno tenga éxito. | What she wants is for this administration to succeed. |
government | El gobierno de la nación ha aprobado los presupuestos para el próximo año. | The country's government has approved the budget for next year. |
governing | El gobierno de un país es una tarea de mucha responsabilidad. | The governing of a nation entails a great deal of responsibility. |
federal government | Argentina tiene un gobierno federal. | Argentina has a federal government. |
president | La presidenta del Gobierno citó a todos sus ministros a una reunión. | The president called all his ministers to a meeting. |