you | Ni tú, ni tú, ni tú, ni tú, ni tú, ni tú. | Or not you, not you, not you, not you, not you, not you. |
you | El cielo está azul cuando soy yo y tú y tú y tú y... y tú y tú y tú y... así, a todos ustedes. | The skies are blue when it's me and you and you and you And you and you and you and you Well, all of you. |
you | Fuiste tú, fuiste tú, fuiste tú. | It was you, was you, was you. |
you | Simón dice que os levantéis tú, tú, tú y tú. | Simon says that you, you, you, and you stand up. |
you | Y tú, tú, tú y tú subid al techo. | And you, you, you and you, up on the top. |
you | No digo eso tanto como quiero o tanto como tú, tú, tú y tú merecen escucharlo. | "I don't say that nearly as much as I want to"or as much as you, you, you, and you deserve to hear it. |
you | No importa qué, tú seguirás siendo tú. | No matter what, you'll still be you. |
you | Primero tú, después tú y luego los demás. | First comes you, second you, and then others. |
you | Y tú serías simplemente tú en tu inexorable gloria. | And you would just be you in all your inescapable glory. |
you | Y si tú realmente quieres impresionar a alguien tú debes ser tu mismo. | And if you really want to impress someone, you should always just be yourself. |
you | Cuando tú vienes aquí después tú ciertamente encontrará Internet en correos de Charanpur. | When you come here next you'll surely find Internet in Charanpur Post Office. |
you | Mohan, tú hace realizar que tú va a perder. | Mohan, you do realize what you are going to lose. |
you | Y tú morirás, siendo solamente tú. | And you'll die, being nothing but you. |
you | Pero tú, tú pareces no tener vergüenza. | But you, you seem to have no shame. |
you | Y tú... entonces tú serías... | And you... so you would be... |
you | El Servicio Secreto necesita mujeres como tú. Obviamente tú no. | The Service needs women like you. well, obviously you don't. |
you | Y no espero que tú puedas entender eso, porque tú tienes muchísimo tiempo. | Not that I'd expect you to understand, 'cause you have a lot of time. |
you | Y tú me permitiste creer esta mentira cuando fuiste tú. | And you allowed me to believe this lie when it was you. |
you | Y si tú lo ayudas, tú también estarás robando. | And if you help him, you'll be stealing also. |
you | Y tú, tú eres el clásico ejecutivo americano. | And as for you, You're the classic American executive. |
you | Yo te quiero mucho pero tú no me correspondes. | I love you a lot but you don't love me back. |