hair | Cuando estaba tenso solía acariciarme el pelo. | When he was a bit tight... he would caress my hair. |
hair | A esperar que me crezcan colmillos y pelo en la cara. | You guys don't need to sit here staring at me, waiting for me to grow fangs and hair on my face. |
hair | Me recogeré... el pelo porque la corona queda mejor. | And I'm wearing my hair up, 'cause it's best for the crown, so wear yours down. |
hair | Aquí tienes un cigarrillo o podría incendiarte el pelo. | Here's a cigarette, or I could light your hair on fire. |
hair | Tu cuerpo intenta calentarte haciendo crecer más pelo. | Your body's trying to keep you warm by making more hair. |
hair | Ya empezó a crecerle el pelo. | His hair is already starting to grow back. |
hair | Y... ese pelo siempre perfecto. | And, that his hair was always perfect. |
hair | Es cuando ella todavía tenía pelo. | It's when she still had her hair. |
hair | Alguien me echó algo pegajoso en el pelo. | Matter? - Somebody's poured some sticky stuff on my hair. |
hair | Hice algo distinto con mi pelo. | I've done something different with my hair. |
hair | Solían poner pelo en joyas como recuerdos. | They used to put hair in jewelry as keepsakes. |
hair | Mírenlo, tiene pelo púbico encima. | Lookit, it has pubic hair on it. |
hair | No necesitas jurarlo con ese pelo. | With a hair that not even need to say. |
hair | No sé porqué soy neurótica sobre mi pelo. | I don't know why I'm so neurotic about my hair. |
hair | Todo este pelo me hace ver más gordo. | You know, it's the hair that makes me look heavier, I think. |
hair | Preferiría verle cortando el pelo en un barbería. | I'd rather see him cutting hair in a barber's shop. |
hair | Teníamos un bonito pelo y sacábamos sobresalientes. | We had good hair and made straight A's. |
hair | Si aceptara los fáciles todavía tendría pelo. | If I took the easy ones, I would still have all my hair. |
hair | Encontré pelo tuyo en el sumidero. | Well, I found your hair in his drain. |
fur | Estoy trabajando aquí, perdiste pelo. | I'm working here, you wasted fur. |
hair | Para fingir que lloraba, el actor se arrancó un pelo de la nariz. | In order to fake tears, the actor plucked a hair from his nose. |
hair | En su juventud, el pelo de mi abuela era de color negro azabache. | My grandmother had jet black hair in her youth. |
don't look a gift horse in the mouth, never look a gift horse in the mouth | —¿Puedes creerlo? ¡El auto que me dio mi papá no tiene aire acondicionado! —¡A caballo regalado no se le mira el diente! | - Can you believe it? The car my dad gave me hasn't got air conditioning! - Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. |
bareback | A Manuel le encantan los caballos e incluso sabe montarlos a pelo. | Manuel loves horses and even knows how to ride bareback. |
uncovered, unprotected | Aunque hacía frío, los turistas salieron a caminar por las montañas a pelo. | The tourists left their hotel uncovered (or: unprotected), despite the looming rain clouds. |
on your own | Como el director estaba de vacaciones, tuvimos que enfrentar la crisis a pelo. | Since the director was on vacation, we had to tackle the crisis on our own. |
hair ribbon | Carla se compró cintas para el pelo de distintos colores. | Carla bought herself hair ribbons in different colors. |
cut [sb]'s hair | El peluquero le cortó el pelo a la señora. | The hairdresser cut the lady's hair. |
get a haircut, cut your hair | Me corto el pelo una vez por mes. | I get a haircut once a month. |
haircut | Elena tiene un nuevo corte de pelo. | Elena has a new haircut. |
yank [sb]'s hair, pull [sb]'s hair | La pequeña estaba llorando porque un niño le había jalado el pelo. | The little girl was crying because the boy had yanked (or: pulled) her hair. |
mop | Tiene mucha mata de pelo, pero lo tiene muy fino. | He has a large mop of hair, but it's very fine. |
jump right in, not hold back | Mi hermano no se corta un pelo: le dio un puñetazo en la nariz al vecino. | My brother doesn't hold back: he punched the neighbor on the nose. |
brush one's hair back, pull one's hair back | María se retiró el pelo para ver mejor. | Maria pulled her hair back to see better. |
hair dryer | María se compró un secador de pelo nuevo. | Maria bought a new hair dryer. |
let your hair down, let yourself go | Suéltate el pelo y sal a bailar. | Let your hair down and get up and dance. |
joke | Es sólo una tomada de pelo, no te enojes. | It's just a joke, don't get mad. |