far | Nadie sabe cuán lejos te llevará. | There's no telling how far it can take you. |
far | Señor Georges, está yendo demasiado lejos. | Mr. Georges, you're going too far. |
far | Usaré el palo grande porque es divertido arrojarlas lejos. | I'll take out the big stick 'cause it's fun to hit 'em far. |
far | Sherman, has llevado esto demasiado lejos. | Sherman, you've carried this way too far. |
far | Y las señoritas de abajo llegaron demasiado lejos. | And those ladies downstairs really carry things a little bit too far. |
far | Los encubrió cuando fueron demasiado lejos. | He covered up for them when they went too far. |
far | No quiero mantener mi oponente lejos. | I do not want to maintain my opponent far. |
far | No está lejos, puede traernos herramientas. | He's not far, he can bring us tools over. |
away | Habría obedecido ese primer impulso de irme lejos. | I would've obeyed my first impulse and walked away. |
away | Tu árbol de botellas debía mantenerlo lejos. | Your bottle tree was supposed to keep him away. |
away | Porque odiaría que tuvieras que estar lejos. | Because I'd hate it if you were to stay away. |
away | Scooby? nunca llegarás lejos, Vicepresidente Principal Grimes. | Scooby? You'll never get away, Vice Principal Grimes. |
away | Lo suficientemente lejos para rescatar al Chambelán. | Far enough away to give you time to rescue the chamberlain. |
away | Te perdiste muchas películas buenas cuando estabas... lejos. | You've missed a lot of good films while you were... away. |
away | Estaban hablando sobre reunirse e huir lejos. | They've been talking about getting together and running away. |
away | Conduciremos lejos desde aquí, mañana. | We'll drive away from this place tomorrow. |
far away | Sino, ya estaría usted lejos. | If it wasn't for me, you would be far away. |
far away | Sabes, Boston está bastante lejos. | You know, boston's pretty far away. |
far away | Siento que pasara mientras estabas lejos. | I am sorry it happened while you were far away. |
far away | Incluso desde lejos, la tierra temblaba. | Even from far away, the ground was shaking. |
far, far away | Como vivo lejos, me compré un auto para ir a la oficina. ¿La estación del metro está lejos? | Because I live far away, I bought a car to get to the office. Is it far to the tube station? |
in the distance, far away | A lo lejos, los caminantes podían ver lo que parecía una casa. | In the distance, the walkers could see what appeared to be a house. |
long-distance relationship | El amor de lejos no suele tener futuro. | Long-distance relationships don't usually last long. |
long-distance relationships are for fools | ¿Tu novio se va para Inglaterra? Ya sabes lo que dicen: amor de lejos es de pendejos. | Is your boyfriend moving to England? You know what they say: long-distance relationships are for fools. |
from afar, from a distance | La casa se ve de lejos porque no hay otras casas alrededor. | You can see the house from afar because there are no other houses around it. |
from afar | Estoy viendo jugar a los niños desde lejos. | I'm watching the children play from afar. |
from far off | Está cansado porque viene desde lejos. | She is tired because she came from far off. |
from far away | Desde lejos noté que llevaba un saco roto. | From far away, I noticed you were wearing a torn jacket. |
go too far | Lucas fue demasiado lejos cuando le gritó al jefe. | Lucas went too far when he shouted at the boss. |
go far, go a long way | Pedro es ambicioso y seguro llegará lejos. | Pedro is ambitious and will surely go far (or: a long way) |
not by a long shot! | Tú no apruebas matemáticas ni de lejos. | You're not going to pass maths by a long shot. |
as it happens | Sin ir más lejos, en esta misma oficina tenemos ladrones. | As it happens, there are thieves in this office. |