head | Podría quitar esto de mi cabeza finalmente. | I could finally levarmi this stuff from the head. |
head | Podríamos estar entregando la cabeza directamente al propio jinete. | We could be delivering the head directly back to the pale rider. |
head | Dispárale en la cabeza y vámonos. | Shoot him in the head and let's go. |
head | No puedo siquiera organizarlas en mi cabeza. | I can't even keep them straight in my head anymore. |
head | Pongámosle una manta sobre la cabeza. | We... we could put a blanket over his head. |
head | Ese pañuelo en la cabeza... resplandeciente. | That scarf tied around her head... glowing, radiant. |
head | Ahora acaricia mi cabeza... deseo dormir. | Now caress my head... I want to sleep. |
head | Nunca hallaron su cabeza y no pudieron probarlo. | Mr Doyle's head was never found, so they couldn't prove it either way. |
head | Y cuelga la cabeza de alce. | And try to find time to get the moose's head up. |
head | Sigo repasando cosas en mi cabeza... | I keep playing things over my head from our childhood... |
head | Contesta, o te reventaré la cabeza. | Pick up the phone, or I pop a blood vessel in your head. |
head | Su cabeza dio contra el mostrador. | He slammed his head against the admitting desk. |
head | Sólo estaba jugando con su cabeza. | I was just playin' with his head. |
head | Me tomó años encontrar mi cabeza. | It took me years to find my head. |
head | Casi cinco centímetros en mi cabeza. | About two inches to my head, for one. |
mind | Norman ha perdido totalmente la cabeza. | Norman has completely gone out of his mind. |
mind | Has perdido la cabeza, hermanito. | You've lost your mind, little brother. |
mind | Obviamente tienes algo en la cabeza. | Well, you've obviously got something on your mind. |
mind | Quiero quitarme cosas de la cabeza. | Want to sort of take my mind off of things. |
mind | Y mi cabeza explotó, literalmente. | And, more importantly, I got my mind literally blown. |
head | No miré por dónde andaba y me di un golpe en la cabeza. | I didn't look where I was going and I hit my head. |
head | Al intentar sacar el clavo, me quedé sólo con la cabeza; el resto siguió hincado. | I tried to pry the nail out, but I was left with just the head. |
leadership | La cabeza de la expedición está formada por exploradores experimentados. | The leadership of the expedition is made up of experienced explorers. |
head | El granjero tiene 34 cabezas de ganado. | The farmer has 34 head of cattle. |
in the lead | La ciclista más exitosa de los últimos dos años va a la cabeza. | The most successful cyclist of the last two years is in the lead. |
at the head of [sth] | A la cabeza de la empresa está una mujer altamente preparada. | A highly skilled woman is at the head of the company. |
bow your head | Si no quieres tener problemas con tu jefe, deberás agachar la cabeza. | If you don't want problems with your boss you should bow your head. |
have a lot to do | Luego te cuento bien cómo me fue; ahora ando de cabeza. | I will tell you how it went later; right now I have a lot to do. |
not think straight, not have your head on straight | Agustín quiere renunciar a su trabajo, creo que anda mal de la cabeza. | Agustín wants to leave his job. He's not thinking straight (or: He doesn't have his head on straight). |
hard headed | Es una cabeza cuadrada: no hay quién le haga cambiar de opinión. | He's hard headed; no one can make him change his mind. |
head of garlic | Échale una cabeza de ajo entera para darle gusto a la sopa. | Put in an entire head of garlic to make the soup tasty. |
dimwit | María es una cabeza de chorlito; no piensa en las consecuencias. | Maria is a dimwit; she doesn't think about the consequences. |
scatterbrain | María es una cabeza de chorlito, nunca se acuerda de dónde deja las cosas. | Maria is a scatterbrain, she never remembers where she leaves things. |
head of the family | Esta solicitud debe firmarla el cabeza de familia. | The head of the family must sign this request. |
head of the family | Su madre quedó viuda joven y se convirtió en cabeza de familia. | His mother was a young widow and took the reins as the head of the family. |
head of livestock | Se calcula que en esta zona del país hay más de un millón de cabezas de ganado. | There are thought to be over a million head of livestock in this part of the country. |
bridgehead | Los marcianos han establecido una cabeza de puente en Nueva York. | The Martians have established a bridgehead in New York. |
scapegoat | El detenido es una cabeza de turco; los verdaderos culpables son otros. | The detainee is a scapegoat; he's not the one who's really guilty. |
cool head | El director analizó con cabeza fría las demandas del sindicato. | The director analyzed the demands of the union with a cool head. |
featherbrain, airhead, scatterbrain | Julieta es una cabeza hueca, arruinó nuestro plan. | Julieta is a featherbrain; she ruined our plan. |
bug [sb], pester [sb] | Sus amigos le calientan la cabeza para que invite a salir a esa chica pero él no se anima. | His friends have been bugging him to ask that girl out, but he hasn't got enough guts. |
fret over | Luis se calienta la cabeza pensando en su proyecto de la escuela. | Luis is fretting over his school project. |
make [sb]'s head spin | A Verónica sigue dándole vueltas la cabeza lo que le dijeron. | What they told Veronica is still making her head spin. |
makes [sb]'s head spin, make [sb] feel dizzy | A María le da vueltas la cabeza cuando sube a un edificio alto. | Riding in the car with the windows down makes my head spin, I get really dizzy. |
from head to toe | Salí sin paraguas y llegué a casa empapado de pies a cabeza. | I left without an umbrella and arrived home soaked from head to toe. |
clear your head | Nicolás salió a fumar para despejar la cabeza. | Nicholas went out for a smoke to clear his head. |
headache | El estrés provoca dolor de cabeza. | Stress causes headaches. |
pain in the neck | Mi hijo es un dolor de cabeza: me da una preocupación tras otra. Por fin logramos vender esa chatarra de auto: ya no tendremos que soportar más ese dolor de cabeza. | My son is a pain in the neck: he gives me one worry after another. |
in the lead | En cuanto a ventas, las compañías de bajo coste están en cabeza. | In terms of sales, the low-cost companies are in the lead. |
be nutty, be loopy | Creo que mi vecina está mal de la cabeza: siempre que me ve, me dice su nombre como si no me conociera. | I think my neighbor is loopy: every time she sees me she tells me her name, as if we had never met. |
tilt your head | A veces hay que agachar la cabeza y hacer lo que te dicen. | Sometimes you have to tilt your head and do as you're told. |
nod | Juan inclinó la cabeza en señal de afirmación. | Juan nodded his head to indicate agreement. |
be in the lead | Juan va a la cabeza de la carrera. | Juan is in the lead of the race. |
be snowed under | Voy de cabeza todo el día; no he descansado ni un minuto. | I've been snowed under all day. I haven't had a minute's rest. |
dive into | Luisa se fue de cabeza a la piscina por andar mirando el teléfono. | Luisa dived into the pool to look for her phone. |
want [sth] | Andrés va de cabeza por un coche nuevo, pero no tiene dinero. | He wants a new car but he doesn't have any money. |
be infatuated with | Antonio va de cabeza por Adriana; siempre le está haciendo regalos. | Antonio is infatuated with Adriana: he is always giving her presents. |
get back on your feet, get your head above the water | Juan estuvo muy deprimido pero finalmente levantó cabeza y ahora está mejor. | Juan was very depressed but he eventually got back on his feet and is better now. |
take the plunge | Gabriela se lió la manta a la cabeza y después se arrepintió. | Gabriela took the plunge and regretted it afterwards. |
fill your head with | María me llenó la cabeza con todos sus problemas. | Maria filled my head with all her problems. |
drive you crazy | Todos estos problemas en la oficina me llevan de cabeza. | All these problems at the office are driving me crazy. |
put your hands on your head, raise your hands to your head | María escuchó la noticia y se llevó las manos a la cabeza. | Maria heard the news and put her hands on her head. |
female head of household, female head of family | Es una admirable madre cabeza de familia; saca adelante a sus hijos sin ayuda de nadie. | She's an admirable female head of household: she provides for her family without help from anybody. |
shake your head, shake your head "no", | Mi padre negó con la cabeza y yo no insistí. | My father shook his head and I did not insist. |
spare no one | En ese programa de televisión no dejan títere con cabeza; como seas famoso van a por ti. | On that TV program, they spare no one; if you're famous, they'll go after you. |
spare nobody, nobody be spared | En el artículo atacaron a todos los políticos; no quedó títere con cabeza. | All politicians were targeted in the article; nobody was spared. |
headache | Los aumentos de los salarios se están convirtiendo en un quebradero de cabeza para la directora de recursos humanos. | The increase in salaries is becoming a headache for the director of human resources. |
get [sth] out of one's head, get [sth] out of one's mind | Debes quitarte de la cabeza a ese chico, es malo para ti. | You should get that boy out of your head, he is bad for you. |
not be able to make head or tail of, not be able to make heads or tails of | Ninguno de los asistentes entendió el discurso sin pies ni cabeza del ganador del premio. | None of those present could make head or tail of the prizewinner's speech. |
go to your head | A Miguel se le subió el éxito a la cabeza y ya ni nos habla. | Success went to Miguel's head and he doesn't even talk to us any more. |
go to your head | Anoche se me subió el vino a la cabeza y no me acuerdo de lo que pasó. | Last night the wine went to my head and I don't remember what happened. |
get a big head, get bigheaded | Desde que lo ascendieron a supervisor, a Julio se le subieron los humos a la cabeza y ya ni siquiera saluda a sus antiguos colegas. | Julio has got bigheaded since he was promoted to supervisor and he doesn't even greet his former colleagues. |
have a head for | Pablo tiene cabeza para las matemáticas. | Pablo has a head for maths. |
have your head somewhere else, have your head in the clouds | Concéntrate porque tienes la cabeza en otra parte. | Concentrate; you've got your head somewhere else. |
keep a level head | Es mejor confiar las decisiones a Pepe, siempre tiene la cabeza fría. | It's better to entrust Pepe with decisions, he always keeps a level head. |
jump head first | Los niños corrían y se tiraban de cabeza al lago. | Children ran and jumped head first into the lake. |
have a shouting match, throw pots and pans | Se tiraron los trastos a la cabeza por una discusión futbolera. | They had a shouting match when talking about football. |
worry [sb] a lot | El mal rendimiento académico de mi hijo me trae de cabeza. | My son's poor academic performance worries me a lot. |
[sth] come to mind, [sth] spring to mind | Cuando me viene una idea a la cabeza, necesito escribirla inmediatamente para no olvidarla. | When an idea springs to mind (or: comes to mind), I need to write it down so I don't forget it. |
come to mind | De repente, me vino a la cabeza la idea de reparar mi vieja máquina de coser. | Suddenly, the thought of repairing my old sewing machine came to my mind. |