highlight | Quisiera solamente destacar algunos acontecimientos importantes. | I would just like to highlight the following important developments. |
highlight | En ese contexto, nos gustaría destacar varios problemas desatendidos. | In that context, we would like to highlight several neglected issues. |
highlight | Sin embargo, quisiera destacar algunos elementos. | Allow me, however, to highlight just a few elements. |
highlight | Quisiera destacar los aspectos fundamentales del texto. | Let me highlight the key aspects of the text. |
highlight | Preferimos destacar su trabajo sobre los derechos civiles. | It's his work in the field of civil rights that we prefer to highlight. |
highlight | Entre estos, quisiera destacar los siguientes. | Among these, I would like to highlight the following. |
highlight | Deseo destacar y explicar algunas cuestiones. | I wish to highlight and elaborate on a few points. |
highlight | Dicho esto, quisiera destacar las siguientes cuestiones. | Having said this, we would like to highlight the following issues. |
highlight | A ese respecto, permítaseme destacar dos aspectos fundamentales. | In that regard, allow me to highlight two basic points. |
highlight | Al respecto, quisiera destacar dos cuestiones. | In that respect, I wish to highlight two issues. |
highlight | En esta sesión me gustaría destacar tres esferas. | I should like to highlight three areas for this session. |
highlight | Permítame por ahora destacar solo algunos elementos básicos. | Allow me at this juncture to highlight only a few basic elements. |
highlight | Además, deseamos destacar algunas cuestiones. | In addition, we would like to highlight a few points. |
highlight | Quisiera destacar cuatro de esas propuestas. | I should like to highlight four of those proposals. |
highlight | Quería destacar su locura, sin hacerla cómica. | He wanted to highlight their madness, without making it comical. |
highlight | Quisiera destacar tres aspectos críticos de la Tercera Reunión Bienal. | I wish to highlight three critical aspects of the third Biennial Meeting. |
highlight | Permítaseme destacar algunos aspectos de esos procedimientos. | Allow me to highlight some aspects of those procedures. |
note | Permítaseme destacar la importancia especial de estas últimas. | Let me also note the particular importance of the latter. |
stress | Asimismo, deseamos destacar la importancia de introducir nuevas fuentes de financiación. | Furthermore, we wish to stress the importance of introducing innovative sources of financing. |
stress | Quiero destacar este hecho, especialmente hoy. | I want to stress this fact, particularly today. |
stand out | Alejandra es tan brillante que destaca entre toda la gente. | Alejandra is so brilliant that she stands out among everyone else. |
underline, highlight | Los periódicos destacan el final de la guerra. | The newspapers are highlighting the end of the war. |
it should be pointed out that | Cabe destacar que el equipo funciona con normalidad. | It should be pointed out that the equipment is working normally. |