historic | Incluso te diré que hubo un acuerdo histórico. | In fact, I'd go as far as to say there was an historic accord. |
historic | Tendremos un gran concierto, un evento histórico. | We will have a great concert, an historic event. |
historic | Flippa, documenta este momento histórico. | Flippa, document this historic occasion, please. |
historic | Tenemos conciencia de que participamos en un momento histórico. | We are aware that we are participating in an historic moment. |
historic | Hoy examinamos la aplicación de ese documento histórico. | It is that historic document whose implementation we review today. |
historic | Fue un juicio histórico e imparcial. | It was a historic judgment, and a just one. |
historic | Y pensaría en un detalle histórico. | And he'd think of a historic detail. |
historic | Estamos viviendo un momento histórico, caballeros. | We are living in a historic moment, gentlemen. |
historic | Mañana será un día histórico para ambas naciones. | Tomorrow will be an historic day for both our nations. |
historic | Es un edificio catalogado de interés histórico. | It is a Grade I listed building of historic interest. |
historical | No confundas significado histórico con grandeza. | No, Sam, now you're confusing historical significances with greatness. |
historical | Me interesa alguna que tenga un valor histórico... | I'm interested in one that has, like, a real historical... |
historical | Es un momento histórico, Hauser. | He is a little while historical, Hauser. |
historical | En el calendario histórico hay fechas inolvidables. | In the historical calendar there are dates that can never be forgotten. |
historical | Estos nombres de provincia se consideran de interés histórico. | These province names are considered to be mainly of historical interest. |
historical | Ella me inculcó un verdadero sentido del pasado histórico revolucionario . | She instilled in me a true sense of the historical revolutionary past . |
historical | Es importante notar el contexto histórico. | It is important to note its historical context. |
historical | Contiene una colección de interés histórico y arqueológico. | It is a place of some historical and archaeological interest. |
history | Estoy listo para el acontecimiento histórico. | Well, I'm ready to watch history. |
history | Soy un empresario con sentido histórico. | I'm a businessman with a sense of history. |
historical | Desde el punto de vista histórico la clase obrera es la que más ha sufrido. | From a historical point of view, the working class has suffered the most. |
historic | La caída del muro de Berlín fue un hecho histórico. | The fall of the Berlin wall was a historic event. |
historic | Los argentinos siempre recordarán el histórico mundial que se celebró en su país. | Argentinians will always remember the historic World Cup that was held in their country. |
archive of rare and historical manuscripts | Pergaminos, mapas y códices forman parte del archivo histórico celosamente protegido. | As part of the archive of rare and historical manuscripts, parchment scrolls, maps, and codices are intently guarded. |
historic change | La llegada del hombre a la Luna fue un avatar histórico que marcó la vida de la humanidad. | The arrival of a man on the moon was a historic change that left its mark on human life. |
historic center, historic district | El Barri Gòtic se encuentra en el centro histórico de Barcelona. | The Gothic Quarter is in the historic center of Barcelona. |
historic act | Es un hecho histórico que no podemos olvidar. | It is a historic act that we can't forget. |
historic heritage | En el núcleo antiguo de la ciudad se concentra su valioso patrimonio histórico. | The city's treasured historic heritage is concentrated in the historic center. |