thirty | Fallaste dos de treinta hasta ahora. | You missed two out of thirty, so far. |
thirty | No recordaba nada sobre las treinta muertes. | She didn't remember anything about the thirty deaths. |
thirty | No he dormido en treinta horas... | I haven't slept for over thirty hours... |
thirty | Visitaron treinta universidades y realizaron innumerables entrevistas. | They visited thirty college campuses and conducted countless interviews. |
thirty | Y entre veinte y treinta alumnos del instituto. | And between twenty and thirty students at the high school. |
thirty | Hágale al Profesor un favor, préstele treinta dólares. | Then do the Professor a favour. Lend-lease him thirty dollars. |
thirty | Le doy treinta soberanos, señorita. | I'll give you thirty sovereigns, Miss. |
thirty | Veinte, treinta megatones de TNT. | Twenty, thirty megatons of T.N. T. |
thirty | El Consejo ha aceptado veintiuna de nuestras treinta enmiendas. | Twenty-one of our thirty amendments have been accepted by the Council. |
thirty | En este autobús caben treinta personas. | The bus is capable of carrying thirty people. |
thirty | Vi aproximadamente treinta a cuarenta ángeles descendiendo del cielo. | I saw about thirty to forty angels descending from the sky. |
thirty | Trajimos treinta caballeros y diez clérigos. | We brought along thirty holy knights and ten clerics. |
thirty | Hemos tenido unos treinta feligreses que han realizado dicha experiencia misionera. | We have had roughly thirty parishioners who have made such a mission experience. |
thirty | Tienen entre treinta y sesenta años. | They are between thirty and sixty years old. |
thirty | Más de treinta dibujos originales vienen a Haarlem. | Over thirty original drawings will be on display in Haarlem. |
thirty | La editorial publica anualmente alrededor de treinta nuevos títulos. | Around thirty new titles are published each year by the firm. |
thirty | Sin embargo, se admitieron aproximadamente treinta apelaciones en razón de los conocimientos lingüísticos. | However, approximately thirty appeals were admitted on the ground of language skills. |
thirties | Muchos mallorquines continúan viviendo con sus padres ya entrados los treinta. | Many young Majorcans continue to live with their parents well into their thirties. |
30s | Muchas mujeres tienen niños después de los treinta. | Many women have babies in their 30s. |
thirty | Necesitamos treinta sillas. | We need thirty chairs. |
thirtieth | El capítulo treinta es muy largo. | The thirtieth chapter is very long. |