hold | Estaré contigo para sostener tu mano. | I will be with you to hold your hand. |
hold | Alguien tiene que sostener el frasco del destierro acuático. | Somebody has to hold the Vial of Aquatic Banishment. Yes. |
hold | Esa orgullosa bestia puede sostener como veinte abrigos. | That proud beast could hold, like, 20 coats. |
hold | Al menos conseguiré sostener un arma. | At least I'll get to hold a gun. |
hold | Bueno, pero debo sostener tu teléfono. | Okay, but I... I need to hold your phone. |
hold | Necesitaría pegamento para sostener la máscara. | He would have needed glue then to hold the mask on. |
hold | Si puedes sostener el foco sobre ella... | If you could just hold the spotlight on her and like... |
hold | Ni pensaría que pudiera sostener más que esas rosas. | I wouldn't have thought it could hold much more than those roses. |
hold | Tu campo de contención no puede sostener esa singularidad. | Your containment field is not strong enough to hold that singularity. |
hold | Voy a sostener su cuello fijamente. | I'm going to hold your head very still. |
hold | Apenas puedo sostener la cabeza en alto. | I can hardly hold my head up. I owe at least a dozen limes. |
hold | Los griegos usan columnas para sostener algo. | The Greeks use a column to hold something up. |
hold | Hay que sostener el gatillo durante mucho rato. | You've got to hold the trigger down for a long time. |
sustain | Algunos de esos argumentos pueden utilizarse para sostener nuestra teoría. | A few of these points can be used to sustain our argument. |
sustain | Nuestra economía no puede sostener tanta gente sin trabajo. | Our economy can't sustain so many people that won't ever find work. |
support | Debes asegurarte de sostener su cabeza. | You've got make sure to support his head. |
support | Tienes unos músicos con familias que sostener. | You got a whole band with families to support. |
hold | ¿Puedes sostener el bolso mientras abro la puerta? | Can you hold my purse while I open the door? |
hold | A ver si puedes sostenerme la mirada durante cinco segundos. | Let's see if you can hold my gaze for five seconds. |
hold, have | Los dos jefes de departamento sostuvieron una discusión a voz en grito. | The two department managers had a loud argument. |
maintain | A pesar de las pruebas en contra, Perogrullus siguió sosteniendo que la Tierra era plana. | Despite the evidence against it, he maintained that the Earth was flat. |
support, maintain | La única que sostiene a la familia soy yo. | I am the only person who supports this family. |