hope | Porque si luchamos, entonces hay esperanza. | Because if we fight, then there's hope. |
hope | Brindarles asombro, esperanza y sueños. | To bring wonder, hope, and dreams. |
hope | Soy tu única esperanza para detenerlos. | I'm your only hope at stopping him. |
hope | No pierda la esperanza, coronel. | Sir? Don't give up hope, Colonel. |
hope | Es nuestra única esperanza si fracaso. | It is our only hope if I fail. |
hope | Primer momento de esperanza en una semana. | That is the first moment of hope they've had in a week. |
hope | Mientras él viva, sigo teniendo esperanza. | As long as he's alive, I still have hope. |
hope | Nunca antes había tenido este nivel de esperanza. | HOLLY: I never had the kind of hope that I had before coming here. |
hope | Usted mejor que nadie comprenderá la esperanza que sentí. | You better than nobody it will include/understand the hope that I felt. |
hope | Nuestra única esperanza es neutralizar la radiación. | Our only hope, is to neutralize the radiation. |
hope | Una mínima cantidad de esperanza en un posible sentido. | Some small... measure of hope for the possibility of meaning. |
hope | Eras joven, todavía tenías esperanza. | You were young; you still had hope. |
hope | Pero me cuesta tener esperanza con tanta desesperación. | It's just so hard to hold onto the hope when you want it so badly. |
hope | Nuestra única esperanza es regresar al cuadrante Alfa. | Our only hope is to return to the Alpha Quadrant. |
hope | No logré satisfacer la esperanza del pueblo. | I failed to fulfill the hope of the people. |
hope | Rezo pidiendo fuerza más que esperanza. | I guess I pray for strength more than hope. |
hope | Entonces seguiremos buscando mientras exista la mínima esperanza. | Then we'll go on searching as long as there's the least hope. |
hope | Urge adoptar medidas que permitan hacer realidad esta esperanza. | It was urgent to take steps to transform that hope into a reality. |
hopeful | Tienen esperanza de que salga adelante. | And they're hopeful she can pull through. |
expectation | Toda intimidad genera esperanza y toda esperanza genera decepción. | Every intimacy engenders expectation, and every expectation some unknown disappointment. |
expectation, confidence | Tengo la esperanza de que todo salga bien. | After their heavy defeat in the last match, the team is very low on confidence. |
hope | La fe, la esperanza y la caridad son virtudes teologales. | Faith, hope and charity are theological virtues. |