that | Es lamentable que hayan circulado versiones que Australia no respalda. | It is regrettable that there has been a narrative to which Australia does not subscribe. |
that | Apoyamos la investigación que concluyó que no fue así. | We supported the investigation which concluded that it didn't happen. |
that | Esto significa que puede solicitar que eliminemos cualquier información que tengamos. | This means that you can request us to delete any of your information which Dansailing hold. |
that | Me parece, tengo que decirlo, me parece que piensas que son matices, que piensas que hay niveles que tienes que investigar. | It feels to me - I have to say, it feels to me like you think this is nuance, that you think there are layers that have to be explored. |
that | Pensabas que sería una desventaja, que queremos gente que conozca el medio o que hay mucha jerigonza que aprender. | You thought that was a handicap, that we wanted people who knew about the medium, maybe that there's all kinds of technical mumbo jumbo to learn. |
that | Y luego estaba el grupo opuesto, al cual resulta que pertenecía, que decía que necesitábamos jueces que creyeran que la Constitución quiere decir lo que dice. | And then there was another side, which I happened to be a part of, that said we needed judges who believed that the Constitution means what it says. |
that | Cree que convendría que el Comité expresara formalmente su agradecimiento. | She felt that a formal expression of appreciation by the Committee would be in order. |
that | Consideramos que hay muchas cosas que apreciar. | We find that there are many things to appreciate. |
that | No existen evidencias que sugieran que son necesarias precauciones adicionales. | There is no evidence to suggest that any additional precautions are needed. |
that | Es imperativo que permanezcamos juntos para que funcione. | It is imperative that we stick together for this to work. |
which | Es lamentable que hayan circulado versiones que Australia no respalda. | It is regrettable that there has been a narrative to which Australia does not subscribe. |
which | Apoyamos la investigación que concluyó que no fue así. | We supported the investigation which concluded that it didn't happen. |
which | Esto significa que puede solicitar que eliminemos cualquier información que tengamos. | This means that you can request us to delete any of your information which Dansailing hold. |
which | No tenemos que alimentar al monstruo que amenaza destruirnos. | We must not feed the monster which threatens us with destruction. |
you | Así que pensé que era algo que simplemente tenías que hacer hace años que voy por mí misma, desde que me fui de casa. | So I thought it was something you just had to do and for years I went by myself, once I moved away from home. |
you | Solo si quisiera que hicieras lo que quería que hicieras y no lo que dije que quería que hicieras. | Only if I wanted you to do what I really wanted you to do and not what I said I wanted you to do. |
you | Supongo que quieres que alquile esto también. | I suppose you want me to set this up for rental, too. |
you | Esperemos que no tenga que averiguarlo. | Let's hope you never have to find out. |
who | Pensabas que sería una desventaja, que queremos gente que conozca el medio o que hay mucha jerigonza que aprender. | You thought that was a handicap, that we wanted people who knew about the medium, maybe that there's all kinds of technical mumbo jumbo to learn. |
who | Y luego estaba el grupo opuesto, al cual resulta que pertenecía, que decía que necesitábamos jueces que creyeran que la Constitución quiere decir lo que dice. | And then there was another side, which I happened to be a part of, that said we needed judges who believed that the Constitution means what it says. |
what | Solo si quisiera que hicieras lo que quería que hicieras y no lo que dije que quería que hicieras. | Only if I wanted you to do what I really wanted you to do and not what I said I wanted you to do. |
what | Puedo entender que demonios que están diciendo. | I can understand what the hell they're saying. |
it | Solo necesito que me enseñes un par de cosas que decir que hagan que parezca que sé algo. | I just need you to teach me a couple of things to say that'll make it look like I know something. |
it | Así que pensé que era algo que simplemente tenías que hacer hace años que voy por mí misma, desde que me fui de casa. | So I thought it was something you just had to do and for years I went by myself, once I moved away from home. |
it | Y luego estaba el grupo opuesto, al cual resulta que pertenecía, que decía que necesitábamos jueces que creyeran que la Constitución quiere decir lo que dice. | And then there was another side, which I happened to be a part of, that said we needed judges who believed that the Constitution means what it says. |
we | Y luego estaba el grupo opuesto, al cual resulta que pertenecía, que decía que necesitábamos jueces que creyeran que la Constitución quiere decir lo que dice. | And then there was another side, which I happened to be a part of, that said we needed judges who believed that the Constitution means what it says. |
to | Esto significa que puede solicitar que eliminemos cualquier información que tengamos. | This means that you can request us to delete any of your information which Dansailing hold. |
to | Creo que que esperan que diga que estaba celoso. | Now, I guess this is the part where y'all expecting me to say I was jealous. |
to | Me parece, tengo que decirlo, me parece que piensas que son matices, que piensas que hay niveles que tienes que investigar. | It feels to me - I have to say, it feels to me like you think this is nuance, that you think there are layers that have to be explored. |
to | Solo necesito que me enseñes un par de cosas que decir que hagan que parezca que sé algo. | I just need you to teach me a couple of things to say that'll make it look like I know something. |
to | Pensabas que sería una desventaja, que queremos gente que conozca el medio o que hay mucha jerigonza que aprender. | You thought that was a handicap, that we wanted people who knew about the medium, maybe that there's all kinds of technical mumbo jumbo to learn. |
to | Así que pensé que era algo que simplemente tenías que hacer hace años que voy por mí misma, desde que me fui de casa. | So I thought it was something you just had to do and for years I went by myself, once I moved away from home. |
to | Consideramos que hay muchas cosas que apreciar. | We find that there are many things to appreciate. |
to | No existen evidencias que sugieran que son necesarias precauciones adicionales. | There is no evidence to suggest that any additional precautions are needed. |
to | Supongo que quieres que alquile esto también. | I suppose you want me to set this up for rental, too. |
to | Es imperativo que permanezcamos juntos para que funcione. | It is imperative that we stick together for this to work. |
to | Hay que hacer algo, tenemos que intentarlo. | Get out. I don't know how or where, but we've got to try. |
to | Esperemos que no tenga que averiguarlo. | Let's hope you never have to find out. |
than | Sé que piensas que pienso que no eres romántico... pero pienso que piensas que no soy más inteligente que tú. | What do you mean, you win? I know you think I think you're not romantic... but I think you think I'm not smarter than you. |
I | Creo que que esperan que diga que estaba celoso. | Now, I guess this is the part where y'all expecting me to say I was jealous. |
I | Así que pensé que era algo que simplemente tenías que hacer hace años que voy por mí misma, desde que me fui de casa. | So I thought it was something you just had to do and for years I went by myself, once I moved away from home. |
I | Solo si quisiera que hicieras lo que quería que hicieras y no lo que dije que quería que hicieras. | Only if I wanted you to do what I really wanted you to do and not what I said I wanted you to do. |
I | Hay que hacer algo, tenemos que intentarlo. | Get out. I don't know how or where, but we've got to try. |
that, who | Las mujeres que vinieron ayer son mis tías. Arranca solo los tomates que estén maduros. El hombre que vi era muy apuesto. | The women who came yesterday are my aunts. |
who, that | Mi prima, que vive en el extranjero, está enferma. La leche, que se había quedado fuera de la nevera toda la noche, desprendía un olor fétido. | My cousin, who lives in another country, is sick. |
that | Recuerda que debes volver a recogerme. Me molesta que griten. | Remember that you must come back and get me. |
than | Mi casa es más grande que la tuya. | My house is larger than yours. |
because | Paremos un rato, que estoy cansado. | Let's take a breather because I'm tired. |
Yuck! | ¡Qué asco!; ¿cómo puedes comer con las manos sucias? | Yuck! How can you eat with dirty hands? |
How disgusting! | Ese equipo siempre gana haciendo trampas; ¡qué asco! | That team always wins by cheating; how disgusting! |
get lost | ¡Anda y que te zurzan, imbécil! ¡No dices más que tonterías! | Go and get lost, you idiot! You can only talk nonsense! |
right?, isn't that right?, am I right? | Vamos a ir hoy al cine, ¿a que sí? | We're going to the cinema today, right? |
why?, for what reason? for what purpose? | ¿Para qué guardas los periódicos viejos? | Why do you keep old newspapers? |
why don't you shut up? | Ya me tienes harto. ¿Por qué no te callas? | I'm sick of you. Why don't you shut up? |
what's wrong with...? | ¿Qué hay de malo con los tatuajes? | What's wrong with tattoos? |
How's everything going?, How is everything? | ¿Qué tal todo? ¿Bien? | How's everything going? All right? |
How's it going? | ¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo estás? | How's it going? How are you? |
How's the weather? | La próxima semana voy para tu ciudad; ¿qué tiempo hace? | Next week I'm going to your city; how's the weather? |
to | Los dos pusieron de su parte a fin de que terminaran sus conflictos. | Both did their part to put an end to their conflicts. |
in order to | Los dos pusieron de su parte a fin de que terminaran sus conflictos. | Both of them did their part in order to stop their arguing. |
as well as | Es la actriz perfecta: es guapa a la vez que talentosa. | She is the perfect actress: she is pretty as well as talented. |
at the same time | Quiero que a la vez que lijes la madera le vayas pasando el barniz. | I want you to put on varnish at the same time that you sand the wood. |
what they are up to | A lo que va es a encontrar trabajo. | What they are up to is finding work. |
as | A medida que creces cambian tus gustos. | Your tastes change as you grow. |
whenever | A medida que surjan imprevistos modificaremos el plan original. | Whenever unforeseen events occur, we will modify the original plan. |
unless | Tu hermana seguirá enfadada contigo a menos que te disculpes con ella. | Your sister will stay angry at you unless you apologize. |
what do I know? | —¿Este vestido combina con estos zapatos? —¡A mí qué me cuentas! Tú eres la experta en moda. | "Does this dress go with these shoes?" "What do I know? You're the fashion expert." |
you can search me | ¿Dicen que he robado? A mí que me registren; ¡no tengo nada que esconder! | Are you saying that I stole something? You can search me: I have nothing to hide. |
unless | A no ser que llueva mañana, iremos a la playa. | Unless it rains tomorrow, we will go to the beach. |
even though | A pesar de que odia madrugar, Pedro se levanta a las 5 de la mañana todos los días. | Even though he is not a morning person, he gets up early every day. |
with just, with nothing more than | A poco que lo intentes lo conseguirás. | Just by trying you'll succeed. |
I bet | —No creo que me contraten. —A que sí; ya lo verás. | -I don't think they'll hire me. -I bet they will, you'll see. |
what do you care?, why do you care? | —¿Cuántos años tienes? —¿A ti qué te importa? | "How old are you?" "What do you care?" |
besides the fact that | Además de que no tengo dinero, no tengo ganas de salir. | Besides the fact that I don't have money, I don't feel like going out. |
now that | Ahora que has terminado la tarea, ya puedes ver la tele. | Now that you have finished your homework you can watch TV. |
now that you mention it | Anda, ahora que lo dices, ¿dónde habré puesto las llaves? | Well, now that you mention it, where did I put my keys? |
render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God that which is God's | El Estado no debe meterse con la Iglesia; al César lo que es del César y a Dios lo que es de Dios. | The State should not get involved with the Church; render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God that which is God's. |
unlike | Nuestra empresa, al contrario que muchas compañías de la competencia, no transmite los datos confidenciales de nuestros clientes. | Our company, unlike much of our competition, doesn't share our clients' confidential data. |
just like | Al igual que Juan, Ana también es traductora profesional. | Just like Juan, Ana is also a professional translator. |
at this rate, at this speed | Al paso que vamos nunca llegaremos antes del anochecer. | At this rate (or: at this speed) we'll never arrive before nightfall. |
to the point that | Es tan despistado, al punto que se olvida de su propio cumpleaños. | He's absent-minded to the point that he forgets his own birthday. |
like it or lump it | Ustedes son unos mediocres y su trabajo es inaceptable. ¡Y al que le pique, que se rasque! | You lot are lackluster and your work is unacceptable. Like it or lump it! |
the early bird catches the worm | Aunque tenemos otro mes de plazo, ya estamos a punto de terminar el proyecto: al que madruga Dios lo ayuda. | Even though the deadline's a month off, we're about to wrap up the project: the early bird catches the worm. |
your destiny will find you | Carlos tiene talento para los idiomas y acaban de darle una beca para que estudie en Francia: al que nace para tamal, del cielo le caen las hojas. | Carlos has a gift for languages and he's just been given a grant to study in France: your destiny will find you. |
life is unfair | Odia el frío y se tuvo que ir a vivir a Alaska. Al que no le gusta el caldo, dos tazas. | She hates the cold and had to go live in Alaska; life is unfair. |
while | Mi hermano veía una película al tiempo que yo hacía la tarea. | My brother watched a movie while I did my homework. |
be delighted that | Les alegraba que hubiera caído la dictadura. | They were delighted that the dictatorship had collapsed. |
be delighted that, be happy that | Se alegraron de que terminara la huelga. | They were happy that (or: were delighted that) the strike was over. |
the odd | El escritor recibía alguna que otra carta de sus admiradores. | The writer would get the odd card from his admirers. |
some, a few | —¿Vieron zorros? —Vimos alguno que otro, pero no había tantos como creíamos. | "Did you see foxes?" "We saw a few, but there weren't as many as we thought there would be." |
Wow! | Anda que tienes poca vergüenza, ¿cómo te atreves a presentarte sin invitación? | Wow, you really are shameless. How dare you show up here without an invitation? |
see how, look how | Anda que va guapa mi niña con su vestido nuevo. | See how pretty my little girl is with her new dress! |
in light of, at the sight of | Ante lo que vi, me quedé sin palabras. | I was speechless at the sight. |
before | Si yo fuera tú, aceptaría la oferta del jefe antes que se arrepienta. | If I were you, I'd accept the boss' offer before he gets cold feet. |
earlier than, sooner than | Me cobró el dinero antes de lo que esperaba. | He charged me earlier (or: sooner) than I anticipated. |
sooner than you could imagine | Antes de lo que te imaginas, vas a lograr tu objetivo. | Sooner than you could imagine, you'll achieve your goal. |