importance | También mencionó la importancia de prevenir el acoso escolar. | He also mentioned the importance of prevention of bullying in schools. |
importance | El programa TrainForTrade otorga importancia a la capacitación regional. | The TrainForTrade Programme attaches importance to a regional approach to training. |
importance | También afirmaron la importancia del diálogo interconfesional. | They had also affirmed the importance of inter-faith dialogue. |
importance | Paralelamente, es indispensable tener presente la importancia del desarrollo ecológicamente sostenible. | Similarly, it is indispensable to bear in mind the importance of economically sustainable development. |
importance | No olvidemos la importancia del consenso. | Let us not now forget the importance of consensus. |
importance | Muchos delegaciones subrayaron la importancia de identificar soluciones duraderas. | The importance of identifying durable solutions was underlined by many delegations. |
importance | Reiteramos la importancia fundamental del TNP para la seguridad internacional. | We reiterate the key importance of the NPT in providing for international security. |
importance | Libia ha destacado constantemente la importancia de encarar este fenómeno generalizado. | Libya has constantly pointed out the importance of dealing with this widespread phenomenon. |
importance | No necesito recordarles la importancia de esta misión. | I can't stress enough the importance of this mission. |
importance | Deseo recalcar la importancia que le asignamos. | I wish to underline the importance that we attach to this. |
importance | Esta norma internacional estaba plenamente reconocida y revestía importancia fundamental. | This international rule was now fully recognized and its importance was fundamental. |
importance | Los acontecimientos políticos recientes demuestran claramente su permanente importancia. | Recent political developments clearly demonstrated the continuing importance of the question. |
importance | Solemnemente declaro que esta asamblea es de extrema importancia. | I solemnly declare this assembly to be of the utmost importance. |
importance | Ese compromiso revestirá especial importancia en los planos nacional e individual. | This commitment will be of particular importance at the national and individual levels. |
importance | La gente subestima la importancia del tirón rotatorio. | Most people, they underestimate the importance of the rotational thrust. |
importance | Solo que era de máxima importancia. | Only that it was of the utmost importance. |
importance | Esa distinción tiene importancia y debe mantenerse. | The distinction was of importance and should be maintained. |
significance | Creo que no necesito subrayar su importancia. | I believe that I do not need to underline its significance. |
significance | Ambos revisten una importancia práctica inmediata. | They were matters of immediate and practical significance. |
significance | Conozco la importancia potencial de ese hombre. | I'm aware of the man's potential significance. |
importance | La importancia de los medios de comunicación es innegable. | The importance of the media is undeniable. |