July | Esta Comisión existe desde julio de 2000. | A National Commission on Status of Women has been in place since July 2000. |
July | La Comisión se presentará oficialmente a principios de julio. | The official launch of the Commission is due early in July. |
July | En julio pudieron comenzar la ofensiva. | By July they were able to begin their own offensive. |
July | Louis Grable, el 15 de julio de 1952 . | Born at Puget Presbyterian to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Grable... on July 1 5, 1952. |
July | Estás en lo misma desde julio. | You been on "The night was" since July. |
July | Sinceramente, no me veo regresando hasta julio. | Honestly, I don't see myself returning till July or so. |
July | Cuando llegó julio estábamos recogiendo heno. | When July came around we were bringing in hay. |
July | O estaremos aquí todavía en julio. | Or else we'll still be here in July. |
July | Solo está alquilada hasta finales de julio. | It's only rented till the end of July. |
July | Mi primera entrega debe ser en julio. | The first payment I gave out must have been in July. |
July | Estás trabajando el 4 de julio. | You're working on the fourth of July. |
July | Fuente: CAPRECOM EPSS - julio 2013. | Source: CAPRECOM EPSS (Unit to Promote Subsidized Health Care), July 2013. |
July | Era julio cuando llegué a Teherán. | It was July when I arrived in Tehran. |
July | En julio comenzará a adiestrarse una cuarta brigada. | The training of a fourth brigade will begin in July. |
July | Primero, no puedo pedirlo en julio. | First of all, I can't just ask for the fall off in July. |
July | Rompió con Greg el cuatro de julio. | She broke it off with Greg on the Fourth of July. |
July | Diversos diputados han sostenido que debería estar para julio. | A number of honourable Members have argued that you should see that by July. |
July | Swami regresó aquí alrededor del 9 de julio. | Swami returned here in the month of July, around the 9th. |
July | En julio hubo varios ataques de grupos armados. | In July, there were several attacks by armed groups. |
July | Estarán disponibles desde julio donde los distribuidores Phillips. | They will be available through Phillips distributors in early July. |
July | Julio es el mes que está entre junio y agosto. | July is the month between June and August. |