south | Mañana voy al sur de Francia. | I leave tomorrow for the south of France. |
south | Cubriré el sur de Lannister muertos. | I will litter the south with Lannister dead. |
south | Ensuciaré el sur con Lannisters muertos. | I will litter the south with Lannister dead. |
south | Es demasiado difícil enviarlas al sur. | Their profit here, too hard to ship south. |
south | Hay una hermosa propiedad al sur de Yellowstone. | There's a beautiful property just south of the Yellowstone. |
south | Si los franceses están demasiado al sur de Austerlitz... | But, sir, if the French are that far south of Austerlitz... |
south | Quizás entró por la entrada del sur. | It's possible he came through the south entrance. |
south | Acercándose por el sur, verán ventanas. | Approaching from the south, you'll see windows. |
south | Sólo el gran páramo del sur permanece intacto. | Only the great mother wilderness of the south remains untouched. |
south | Encontraré aterriza establecerse al sur del Muro. | I'll find them lands to settle south of the Wall. |
south | Seguirás yendo al sur por aproximadamente... | You keep going south for about ten blocks. |
south | Aparentemente, ha puesto rumbo sur. | It appears, in fact, that he is heading direct south. |
southern | El haz viene del hemisferio sur. | The beam is coming from a settlement on the southern hemisphere. |
southern | Las nueces solían crecer al sur. | We used to grow all the nuts in the southern region. |
southern | Incubaron insectos oriundos del hemisferio sur. | You incubated insects native to the southern hemisphere. |
southern | Sería lindo tener exposición al sur. | It'd be so nice to have some southern exposure. |
south | Pusieron rumbo al Sur. | They set a course to the south. |
south | Andalucía está en el sur de España. | Andalusia is in the south of Spain. |
south | Hubo disturbios en el ala sur de la cárcel. | Riots broke out in the south wing of the prison. |
Southern Cone | En los países del Cono Sur es verano cuando en el norte es invierno. | In the countries of the Southern Cone it is summer when it is winter in the north. |