include | Se procuró incluir información que sea esencial. | Efforts were made to include information that is material. |
include | Debería reintroducirse e incluir también el elemento de explotabilidad. | It should be reintroduced and should also include the element of exploitability. |
include | Se consideró útil incluir apartados en los capítulos pertinentes. | It was felt useful to include subheadings in the relevant chapters. |
include | Algunos países aprovecharon la oportunidad para incluir parámetros adicionales en los cuadros. | Some countries made use of the opportunity to include additional parameters in the tables. |
include | Durante el examen tripartito se acordó incluir dos nuevas dimensiones. | During the tripartite review, agreement was reached to include two further dimensions. |
include | También sería conveniente incluir información sobre la asistencia de sus cónyuges. | It would also be helpful to include information regarding the attendance of spouses. |
include | Esa estrategia tendrá que incluir diversos elementos. | Such a strategy will need to include a number of elements. |
include | No parece incluir espiar otras culturas. | Your directive apparently doesn't include spying on other cultures. |
include | Propone ampliar ambos párrafos para incluir referencias a casos específicos. | She suggested that those two paragraphs should be expanded to include references to specific cases. |
include | No es necesario incluir información sobre alternativas. | It is not necessary to include information on alternatives. |
include | Una decisión puede incluir varias recomendaciones. | A decision can include a number of recommendations. |
include | En caso afirmativo, sírvanse incluir los resultados. | If a study has been carried out, please include the results. |
include | Ampliaron la búsqueda para incluir otros distritos. | They've expanded their search to include other precincts. |
include | Fíjate si debemos incluir algo en la presentación. | Have a look and see if there's anything we need to include for the presentation. |
include | Sin embargo, modificaré mi currículum para incluir... | I am, however, modifying my curriculum to include... |
include | Además pueden incluir catálogos con contenido, no sólo publicidad. | An alternative use can include catalogs that are presented with content, not just advertising. |
contain | También podrá incluir previsiones distintas de las elaboradas por las instituciones. | It may also contain different estimates from those drawn up by the institutions. |
involve | Estaba claro que cualquier cosa atractiva debía incluir tecnología. | It was clear that anything that would make them excited had to involve technology. |
involve | Y toda conversación seria debe incluir helado. | And all serious talking has to involve ice cream. |
include | Han incluido a tu hermano en la relación de los admitidos. | They've included your brother in the admissions list. |
include | El precio incluye el transporte del mueble y la entrega a domicilio. | The cost includes transport of the furniture and home delivery. |