institution | Está previsto que la institución directiva establezca un comité científico asesor. | A scientific advisory committee is planned to be organized by the lead institution. |
institution | Pero es necesario coordinar la acción de cada institución. | However, it was necessary to coordinate the action of each institution. |
institution | Cada institución sufragaría sus propios gastos. | Each institution would be responsible for its own expenses. |
institution | Ninguna institución arqueológica comprará un fósil robado. | There isn't an archaeological institution in the world that would buy a stolen fossil. |
institution | Sólo un pariente puede enviarla a una institución. | Only a family member can commit somebody to an institution. |
institution | Mientras existamos como institución... nos ocuparemos de Dafu. | As long as this institution exists, we'll take good care of Dafu. |
institution | Puedes insultarme y condenar la institución del matrimonio. | If you want to turn me down, do it. Condemn the institution of marriage. |
institution | Es raro ver agentes de correccionales en una institución mental. | Correctional officers at a mental institution, that's a weird sight, if you don't mind me saying. |
institution | COPREDEH debe reforzar su carácter de institución civil. | COPREDEH needs to strengthen its status as a civilian institution. |
institution | La policía quiere internarlo en una institución publica. | The police want to throw him into a state institution. |
institution | Tanzanía se honra al presidir esta importante institución regional. | Tanzania is honoured to be the Chairman of this important regional institution. |
institution | Ello contribuirá a fortalecer a la familia como institución. | This will contribute to the strengthening of the family as an institution. |
institution | Son los Cleary, una institución estadounidense. | It's the Clearys. They're an American institution. |
institution | Hablan de meterte en una institución mental. | They're talking about having you committed to a mental institution. |
institution | Preferimos decir que es una institución para desequilibrados mentales. | We like to call it "an institution for the mentally unstable". |
institution | Debe señalarse que esta institución especializada no se encuentra en Tetovo. | It should be noted that this specialized institution is not located in Tetovo. |
institution | En otras situaciones, la fiscalía constituye una institución autónoma. | In other situations, the prosecution is established as an autonomous institution. |
facility | Hay una buena institución en Colorado. | There's a very good facility in Colorado. |
facility | Ellos lo tienen encerrado en una institución psiquiátrica. | They got him in a lock down, psychiatric facility. |
institution | Un banco es una institución financiera. | A bank is a financial institution. |
creation, establishment | Es necesaria la institución de un tribunal independiente. | The creation (or: establishment) of an independent court is necessary. |
educational institution | En las instituciones docentes, los profesores educan a los alumnos. | Oxford University is the most famous educational institution in England. |
be something of an institution | El director es toda una institución en el mundo del cine. | The director is something of an institution in the world of cinema. |